No. 14500
> If I see that someone's favorites are all things I've heard, I subconsciously dismiss them as boring and unknowledgable because of their lack of uniqueness, which I know is wrong.
I identify with this statement way too much. For whatever reason, I have a complete aversion to hearing things I've already heard before. I always want to listen to something different from whatever anyone else plays for me or recommends for me, so if I befriend a person who listens to a lot of dad-rock, I feel like that person is going to try to talk to me about some Pink Floyd album I got sick of in the 8th grade, even though I'm probably not going to talk to that person about music at all.
Ironically though, I got into my favorite band, Dir en grey, because I thought "Well, I've seen some high school losers wearing Dir en grey shirts, so they could be some pleb guilty pleasure for me." Little did I know about the prog metal goodness wrapped within that external layer of filthy lesbian weeaboo filth.
To get back on topic, I go on a private messageboard and some bigger imageboards.
Also, I'm not sure if >>14491 is the guy I responded to on /mai/ about Agalloch, but you've got some good taste. I'm spinning some Agalloch right now.
Post edited on 1st May 2013, 11:28pm