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1391 No. 1391 [Edit]
I should probably be posting this on a medical board of some kind, but fuck that. I need advice on how to manage mood swings without resorting to drugs. I go through these kinds of swings sometimes a few times a day, from very optimistic and relaxed to pessimistic and anxious. Sometimes I'll start thinking about all my bad memories out of nowhere and get angry. Caffeine seems to help me get into a better mood, but I think it just might be making the swings more pronounced because it's also gotten me really agitated and punchy too.

I don't know if this is normal, or if it's a psychological problem or what. Anyone else experiencing this too? I'm really tired of it.
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
It's normal, I have mood swings all the time
>> No. 1393 [Edit]
I experience it too, OP. I'm sorry I can't really offer any advice on how to manage it..
>> No. 1394 [Edit]
Same here, I can go from relaxed and content to anger and wanting to close myself from everyone the next second. Although I think I can form the beginning of an answer: environment.

The environment you're currently in is making you repeat a 'bad' routine that allows these mood swings to happen. Perhaps you have no clear goal and are moving around in circles, meaning you can't go forward. I know that's at least partly true for me.
>> No. 1395 [Edit]
I don't have mood swings so I can't sympathise or help you, OP. I suggest you don't rely on caffiene or other drugs, however.
>> No. 1397 [Edit]
I know how you feel. I'll go from taking it easy on minute to constant thoughts about how shitty the world is and how much I wish I was dead the next.
>> No. 1399 [Edit]
Thanks for your responses. To answer 1394, I am sort of doing something with my life right now, but in most ways I feel aimless, like I'm not working towards any goal that I actually want. Now that I think of it, the goals I'd really want to achieve I can't even begin to go for. That might be the problem.

Then of course there's the whole social issue, but I'm so detached from it at this point I don't believe it's a problem for me anymore.
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
Dude, I am the same way without my meds. I don't know if you're counting that as drugs or not. Ironically, before I was on them I used to use illicit drugs to try to self-medicate and that did not make things better.

I highly advocate the appropriate administration of psychopharmaceuticals, though. With a little therapy and the right cocktail of meds, life is so much better.
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
I'm relaxed most of the time. Don't really have mood swings but whenever I feel stressed out from school or just stuff in general, I try to go for a good walk outdoors.

I think its good if you have access to fresh air and a nice open forest/park area. It helps to calm the mind. Personally I try to always spend some time outdoors even in bad weather.

Being outdoors always helps to keep me calm and think clearly.
>> No. 1416 [Edit]
I don't take any meds. I probably do have a couple of genuine problems that would justify getting some, but they're not bad enough that my life gets completely disrupted, and in any case I don't know if my insurance would cover it. I'm also afraid of the possible side effects. I just need to change my way of thinking, or my way of life, or just anything.

I don't think I'll cut out the caffeine, because using it is the only way I can ever be productive. I think the lows are worth the highs in this case.

I do find being outside helps my mood, no matter what the weather's like. The only problem is almost everywhere I go there are fucking people around, and I can't seem to find any outdoor place nearby where that isn't the case.

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