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File 129519415044.jpg - (1.64KB , 250x248 , Ningen Shikkaku [Regular]_Delkmiroph.jpg )
1329 No. 1329 [Edit]
Do you ever feel like you're inside a screen?
I see all this people interacting, even on the internet and boards such as these. Some of them I like, and yet it always feels like I'd be "intruding" on them were I to take part in that interaction. Like I'd "ruin" it just by placing myself somewhere I'm not supposed to.
Nowadays I can0t even talk about things I love and I have in common with other people, because who would want someone like me liking the same things they do?
And yet, always standing behind a screen makes you feel so inconsequential, after all, everything goes on all the same even without you there. But I don't belong to the other side either at all.

I'm sorry if this makes little sense or sounds like cheap teen poetry or something. It just... kinda hit me in the face today following a certain event and I wanted to vent in the one board I think could understand what I wrote.
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>> No. 1330 [Edit]
I feel the same way, I have found my social anxiety isn't getting any better its actually getting worse. Its getting to the point I don't even want to take the dog out because if people look at me or drive by it makes me nervous. Especially when I drive to college, I'm always afraid I'm going to make someone mad or mess up. I have a habit of going really fast and passing everyone hoping they go away.

I can't even bother talking about things that are socially acceptable with anyone else in at least small talk, like fallout new vegas... there were several people discussing it in many of my classes but I never made the slightest bit of conversation with them other than what the courses required.

Anymore I look at life like I'm in a cage and watching everyone else live. I can't shake the feeling if I killed myself I would be "free" from this cage... I don't mean it metaphorically either, I honestly feel caged in life right now and feel like killing myself would allow me to get out.
>> No. 1331 [Edit]
I did when I was in school. Now the only people I see regularly are my parents and sister and I have no problem speaking with them.
>> No. 1332 [Edit]
File 129522813882.png - (146.52KB , 480x640 , 1246932524598.png )
I feel the same way, like if no matter how hard I try I'm always behind a glass. But this actually helped me to deal with social situations.

I began visualizing an imaginary character on normal/awkward/extreme/nice social moments. Everything from how would he takes insults, help people, his back story, his ambitions. I read "How to Win Friends and Influence People", which gave a manual to carry a conversation.

I'm still behind a glass, but when I talk to people I let that character speak for me. He does all the work. Even if they get angry I can manage because they are attacking the character and not the real me.
It's acting the role of a protagonist, like, what if I where an undercover cop? What would James Bond do?

Nobody knows the real me, I'm still a weak socially awkward fag. But as long as 3D people bothers me less I don't care.
>> No. 1334 [Edit]
Ha, that is pretty cool. You even got a nice visualisation for us to look at. I might try that technique too.
>> No. 1344 [Edit]
Oh hi. I'm momentarily stepping through the glass to tell you I feel the same way.

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