No. 1264
>I must of had typical childhood dreams at some point.
At first I overlooked 'typical' in your sentence and I wanted to say you took it straight out of my mouth. Well, it was close enough.
I seriously MUST have had some dreams.
I'm not talking about those I had as a child since I still remember it - I wanted to be a paleontologist. I watched all kinds fo shows on Discovery/Animal Planet (etc) and my mom always bought me the books I wanted. Oh, and of course I had tons of dinosaur toys. But by the time I turned ~11 it was clear to my that while dinosaurs are fun and all being a paleontologist is really, really boring. Since then I pretty much lost all my interest in that subject. Looking back on it, I must've been a somewhat smart kid, I realized how lots of stuff works in this world fairly quick.
Since then I honestly don't remember anything (about my dreams of course). Pathetic, really. No dreams whatsoever. Makes me wonder why... Well, I never thought about my future that much. I thought I'll be some kind of stock broker or that I'll do some similar, rather tedious job that I won't like. But that was only for a short amount of time. By the time I turned 15 I was completely obsessed with suicide. I think it was meant to be that way. Even when I was still in elementary school I (jokingly, but still) said I was gonna kill myself someday (not because I was depressed or anything, I had fairly decent childhood) and I had some interest in the subject.
When I was 16 I was ready to do it. I knew I'm capable of doing it while being fully concious of what it is exactly that I'm doing (as oppossed to just doing it on a whim - it's not like you'll have to face any 'consequences' in that case), I knew how I'm gonna do it, I was beginning to prepare some necesarry 'supplies', I had a vague idea of when and where to do it. When I asked a fr... an acquaintance of mine (who was a scout) if I'm doing a proper job with the gallows knot (I knew she knew a lot about all sorts of knots) I was sure my 'secret' is safe. She was always cold, distant, gloomy. Definitely that kind of person who you'd expect to be able to keep a secret and we were on good terms, too. But she folded under pressure and told a teacher at our school (who was mother of a friend of ours). Caught me completely off guard. Shit went places after that. It's a long story, really, but as you were probably able to guess I didn't kill myself.
I feel like I lost a chance back then. A chance to go down with some dignity. As weird as it sounds I have a lot of respect for the person I was back then. Now I'm nothing more than thrash. In a way, you could say that my dream was to kill myself and even though I was unable to do it for so long I know that sooner or later the day will come. It's just that this time, I will do it because I have to and I bet I'll be filled with shame and regret.
If this doesn't count I guess in a way I wished (as cheesy as it sounds) that the world was a better place.
Oh yeah, now that I think about it that was my dream, too. Oh, and I just remebered I wanted to be a bachelor, I shit you not. Damn I really was smart, wasn't I? Too bad I grew up to be a retard. Wasted potential I guess.