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File 128950060490.gif - (212.29KB , 514x760 , stormtrooper.gif )
115 No. 115 [Edit]
I use to be ronery but I had epiphany years ago, I was lamenting not having a girlfriend and being a kissless virgin, and not having any sort of prospects of changing that but then I just sort of rationalized it. I asked myself what I would gain from having a girl and if it was worth it, and really I realized that I wouldn’t gain much other than a loss of freedom and an eventual addiction to sex and realized it wasn’t worth the effort. So with that whatever lament I felt about the situation eventually melted away and I was left content.
Until now
The roneriness has come back
I’m suddenly filled with the desire for a woman
I want to talk to a girl, I want to be close to one
And I HATE it
I don’t want to go back to feeling this crap, I was perfectly happy the way I was.
I’m not sure where all this came from, but if I had to choose something that might of triggered it maybe trying to marathon Amagami might have had something to do with it.
At my present state I’m trying my hardest to fight it, I don’t want to lose the streak of apathy and contenesss that I’ve kept up for so long, I don’t want to go back to being ronery.
Its like my brain and my heart are in constant battle and my heart gained the upper hand with a surprise attack from higher ground.
The scary part is I can’t rationalize my way out if this like I use to, the ronery had come back in the form of desire without logic, its feeling without anything backing it up its leaving me in the state close to an animal.
I don’t know what to do at this point
I suppose I should just suck it up…
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>> No. 116 [Edit]
Get a waifu.
>> No. 117 [Edit]
File 128950184667.jpg - (69.41KB , 692x516 , 1266203579203.jpg )
You could try finding a girl online to talk to as a way of reminding yourself how uninteresting and pointless the interraction would be.

Alternatively, watch and try to remain attentive during the entire video. Now tell yourself that if you had a girlfriend, you'd have to listen to that for hours on end, every day.
>> No. 119 [Edit]
Made it 10 seconds when i not only realized her voice pissed me off, but i noticed it was a 17 minute video.
No thank you
>> No. 121 [Edit]
you cant rationalize away or supress your feelings
>> No. 124 [Edit]
File 128950946779.jpg - (211.37KB , 1024x1186 , 20060509_madoka.jpg )
Please allow yourself to feel anything you'd like. You gain nothing from denying what you are. Your emotions are you. As for coping with loneliness, I have no advice this time. Just remember, you're no less of a person for being alone.
>> No. 126 [Edit]
>Please allow yourself to feel anything you'd like
yeah cept what I'm feeling is NOT something I like
I despise these feelings with every fiber of my being.
>> No. 322 [Edit]
You should find some friends.
Women won't make you feel less ronery, friends will. Even if you only see those friends once a month or even less.
I know it's hard to find a brohno in real life but don't give up.
I was lucky that I found 2 people who might not be brohnos but they aren't normals either which is good enough for me.
>> No. 325 [Edit]
I'm not supporting normalfaggotry, but:

It's like those facebook & deviantart memes where you answer questions like 'your favorite pokemon' and 'have you had sex with the same sex' or some stuff like that - im sure youve seen that on deviantart at least.

(inb4 i get attacked for knowing that hapens on DA & FB)

It can be annoying, but often it is not - it helps if the conversation is two-way. Also if you're 'attacked' to the 3DPD in question, you feel a high just being around the person & talking to them.

>> No. 328 [Edit]
also lol she has comment approval.

also, i think sock accounts forving her votes up probably
>> No. 329 [Edit]
I'm not following.
No, seriously what the fuck are you trying to say.
>> No. 334 [Edit]
Get a waifu. All of that ronery, angsty feeling will go away once you get one. But it's up to you to decide. Nobody but yourself can choose your waifu for you. Despite what all normalfags say about waifus, they are the ones who want to be everyone else to be just as angsty and ronery as they are.

That video was total ear rape. I stopped listening after 5 seconds.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
my first paragraph compared her video to deviantart & facebook memes

HERE is an example

The last paragraph I made pointed out talking with 3DPD is not all bad - as in your attachnments make you care for her & love her and the jabbering does not bother you, and you want to talk to her etc.

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