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File 128946393486.jpg - (469.79KB , 600x900 , 1280934913934.jpg )
103 No. 103 [Edit]
How many people are you still able to make eye contact with?

After overhearing some of my family members complaining about what a failure I am to one another in a separate room a while back, I got thinking and noticed there's no longer anyone I feel able to look in the eye, and there hasn't been for quite some time. I can barely remember which eye colours my immediate family have, but it wasn't until that event that I realised how bad I'd gotten. My counsellor comments on it occasionally, but doesn't nag too much.

Is it something that you're able to do naturally, or do you use tricks like staring at their nose or above the eyes? And do you find it easier with some people than others? Do you feel that electric pang of terror when you accidentally meet eyes with another human?
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>> No. 106 [Edit]
File 128946985945.jpg - (67.46KB , 500x612 , 1211779920733 cloud large eyes.jpg )
Mentioning it, I don't look in the eyes either. I stare downwards or on their faces. As for my family, I don't like to look at any part of theirs.
>> No. 107 [Edit]
The only people I'm around regularly are my parents and sister, and I have no problems looking them in the eye. When I was in high school I would avoid eye contact with everyone
>> No. 120 [Edit]
Kinda related to this thread, yesterday I went to a family reunion after months of not going out,and what the fuck, all their faces looked distorted.
Whenever I got close to them their faces changed completely, like kind of blurry.

What the hell is happening to me?
>> No. 122 [Edit]
I've taught myself to look at peoples foreheads in formal or important situations. Around my family it's no big deal, but when talking to other people I fidget and look everywhere except for at the other person. It's a good trick to learn if not being able to make eye contact bothers you.
>> No. 123 [Edit]
I can't look anyone in the eyes
it makes me incredibly nervous
>> No. 125 [Edit]
Just being around people makes me nervous.
>> No. 330 [Edit]
I let my eyes wander when forced to speak with people. I pretend I'm just staring off at stuff, while trying to maintain conversation (which is hard, as an aspie fgt).
>> No. 337 [Edit]
When I look people in the eyes it makes me incredibly nervous and uncomfortable, but I still can because I force myself to even though I hate it.
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
I used to have trouble looking people in the eyes, but after a while I decided to force myself to socialize more often, and now I'm able to look into people's eyes most of the time, although sometimes I still have some trouble.
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
To me, if I were to look someone in the eye it would mean that I feel very close to them. I don't feel close to anyone, and I like it that way.
>> No. 1722 [Edit]
I stopped being able to make eye contact with people about a year ago. I don't know why, something in me just snapped, and now I can't do it for extended amounts of time. I have to look at something beyond them after about 5 seconds of looking into their eyes. The only reason I can think of is that about a year ago, I started to acknowledge myself as a failure. I mean, I don't consider myself an aspie or anything. I'm just fucking sad and weird.

The one person I can look in the eyes is probably the one person who I still consider a friend. Everyone else, my vague acquaintances, even my family members, I can't look in their eyes.
>> No. 1732 [Edit]
I couldn't look someone in the eyes for my own life, but then I read "The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". When I'm talking to someone I imagine has if I'm drawing them, and now I don't have problem.
>> No. 1736 [Edit]
I never intentionally look people in the eyes, because it makes me too nervous, but sometimes I zone out in class or on public transportation and then realize I've been blankly staring at someone without even knowing it, sometimes in their eyes, sometimes not... they probably think I'm a creep though.
>> No. 1737 [Edit]
>sometimes I zone out...and then realize I've been blankly staring at someone without even knowing it

Oh, I know that feel. I hate it when that happens.
>> No. 1738 [Edit]
I can look someone in the eyes but not for very long. I can actually have long conversations without ever looking at someones face. I blame the computer.

Haha, that also happens with me but sometimes I'd like to intentionally zone out and I can't. That would be a useful skill I tell you.
>> No. 1753 [Edit]
I've never been able to do that with anyone, even my own parents. I always end up looking slightly over their shoulder, I don't feel especially nervous or panicy when I do look in someone's eyes, just extremely uncomfortable and I can't do it more than 2 or 3 seconds.

I guess it's probably because of this that I can't tell people apart by their faces at all. I can't even recognize my own mother when she gets a haircut.
>> No. 1789 [Edit]
I don't really look at them no matter where my eyes are pointed.

Whenever I have to talk to someone or even be near them I have a set of mental "tapes" to play in my head while the rest of me goes through the movements. The one time I've actually looked at someone's eyes though, it was pretty terrifying. It felt like they were coldly judging me without a second thought.
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
its weird that I have touble looking my own parents and strangers in the eye but when it comes to job interviews I'm completely different. talk in a different, more confident voice. firm handshake, make eye contact etc. I've been there so many times I hardly even get nervous anymore.

all that still hasnt helped me get a job. I guess I cant quite fake it well enough.

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