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File 129268142392.jpg - (19.49KB , 177x312 , 125.jpg )
1022 No. 1022 [Edit]
I'm writing here, despite the fact that this place is full of normalfags and few people would understand me, but I have no other place to go.

I didn't watch anime for 2 years and recently I got into one. Man, I forgot how these cartoons can screw the mind. It feels like I'm regressing mentally, reminding me days of my otakism. I'm losing interest in 3D pigs to 2D lolis. It's very painful to see how anime characters have life and friends, and I'm lonely. All is becoming so senseless. Depression is returning, despite me taking pills.
I'm lonely because I'm an outsider, I am unable to build rapport and connection with people. Being introverted doesn't help too.

Do you experience similiar states? Should I stay away from anime?
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>> No. 1023 [Edit]
Hm... This looks completely serious and legit, guys.

If you are serious and I'm detecting the wrong thing, then it's a good thing. With all the billions of people out there, I can't say there are no good 3D people, but what are the chances of you actually finding one?

You're better off with 2D.
>> No. 1024 [Edit]
Why would I lie, idiot?
And how does it matter if people are good or not, everyone needs friends and life.
>> No. 1025 [Edit]
>this place is full of normalfags
>I didn't watch anime for 2 years and recently I got into one
>I'm losing interest in 3D pigs
>Should I stay away from anime?

You're depressed about our way of life and have the gumption to call us fll of normalfags?
>> No. 1026 [Edit]
>this place is full of normalfags

>> No. 1027 [Edit]
That's what I was hinting at, I'm not very direct, though.
>> No. 1028 [Edit]
File 129268218042.jpg - (6.95KB , 250x250 , 1290028557211.jpg )
People like you who complain about normalfags and yet are far more normal than any of the guys who frequent /tc/ make me truly sick.

>everyone needs friends and life

Pic related.
>> No. 1029 [Edit]
Ok, am I missing something here?

Is this whole "place is full of normalfags" thing some new plan from the IRC that I've missed due to absence? Or do people honestly believe that?
>> No. 1031 [Edit]
>Is this whole "place is full of normalfags" thing some new plan from the IRC that I've missed due to absence?

No. It's a troll.

>You're depressed about our way of life and have the gumption to call us full of normalfags?


Locking this post for trolling. OP if you want to talk try not simultaneously insulting us all on two different levels.

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