People posting things I don't like will be sentenced to death by gas chamber.

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File 128909087184.jpg - (32.51KB , 704x400 , 1243183795081.jpg )
1 No. 1 [Edit]
When tohno-chan was down I had no where else to go, and now that it's back there is no one anymore...
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>> No. 3 [Edit]
Don't worry, I'm still here.
I wouldn't leave you guys for all the money in the world.
>> No. 5 [Edit]
Been there too bro.

You'll be ok.
>> No. 7 [Edit]
File 128909889537.jpg - (20.03KB , 361x233 , I NEVER DIE.jpg )
Tohno-chan will never die even if they try to kill it.
>> No. 14 [Edit]
File 128919521193.png - (107.95KB , 452x102 , bannerII.png )
We're just starting to regroup. I see that, as been said, some of you are bringing stickies and last threads in here, wich is fine (I'm considering to repost fujoshi thread here in /so/, if nobody's up to it yet). Tough, since we don't have stats any longer (as well as some other things), now it will be harder to tell how much of a exclusive/hermetic/pittyful *chan we are.
>> No. 33 [Edit]
I just found this place thanks to /jp/. Good thing too because 4chan is going downhill faster than usual
>> No. 46 [Edit]
"Sir people are reporting lots of shitty threads and we don't have enough mods or janitors to deal with them! What do we do!?"

. . .

"Make reporting harder"
>> No. 49 [Edit]
Also, 4chan has become such a cesspool that I hope moot's new project ("canvas" or whatever) is such a massive failure that he is forced to shut down 4chan as well. I'm not usually so negative but I feel it's earned it
>> No. 50 [Edit]
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I'm sorry to inform you guys, but 4chan has been unbearably horrible since 2007. I don't know from what dimension you came from, but welcome and enjoy your stay.
>> No. 51 [Edit]
Well, now it's 10 times worse. Imagine how bad THAT is
>> No. 52 [Edit]
They said that people were using bots to spam reports, not that there were too many reports.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
you have to admit, people on /jp/ love to report just about everything.
>> No. 54 [Edit]
It still doesn't matter because they don't do enough for reports anyway. I'd be all for the captcha if it meant janitors could do their jobs more effectively, but they STILL barely do anything. /a/ gets raided and filled with doubles threads that persist for hours
>> No. 55 [Edit]
As I'm sure you already know by now, The way 4chan deals with the problems people complain about, is by telling the people to shut up about it, in one form or another.
>> No. 56 [Edit]
and that's why I left. It's just a shame to see a place I used to love so much fall into ruins due to apathy
>> No. 59 [Edit]
Apathy, an American tradition since 1985.
>> No. 63 [Edit]
I didnt even know Tohno-chan was down....but then again I wasn't on tohno-chan for a week or few days.
>> No. 64 [Edit]
That's actually kind of why we're on our new site now, ib4f went down for a few days, so I said screw it and moved the site over to our current host, things here were/are still in the development, but it was better then nothing.
>> No. 332 [Edit]
I'm still around...
>> No. 391 [Edit]
I'm still here, too. I don't post as much as I used to, but I always check the site every day or so.
>> No. 392 [Edit]
File 129002801332.jpg - (643.05KB , 1600x1200 , underthemoon.jpg )
I didn't post in this thread yet, so now I do.

Today I realized that the fact I have no friends does not indicate I'd be a bad person. It just happened to be so. Causality and chance, nothing higher.

What's more, all my suffering is void of a moral meaning, neither a sin, nor punishment. It doesn't mean I'd be bad, flawed or guilty. I'm no less of a person because of being in pain. I have no reason to be ashamed.

My pain cannot be a divine message; because if my god really wanted to tell me something, he'd do it in a clear and obvious way, not by silently playing sadistic games that'd ultimately benefit neither me nor Him.

What's more, I cannot blame myself either. In retrospect, everything I had ever done was done because at that point in time, that seemed to be the best I could do, as far as my limited knowledge allowed. If I went back in time, I'd commit the same mistakes again; simply because I made each of them for a good reason.

I thought on what I could do to change my life for the better. Obviously, getting depressed, worried or angry is not; that could only hinder, not help me with getting my shit together. Though I might be deeply unsatisfied with my life and myself, that's no reason make it even worse. I'm forced to conclude that if I have absolutely no idea what I should do, it all makes sense to sigh a big one, relax, and do nothing in particular, except to enjoy life until a miracle comes along, be it big or small, from within or from without, in one form or another. After all, what else there is?

It took me many years spent in shame, worry and guilt to arrive at this. I'm here in part because I don't want You to suffer the way I did. I see myself in you and want you to be happy. Please forgive me for my rambling.
>> No. 393 [Edit]
I came independently to the same conclusion.

I understand that the best course one can take now to happiness is to simply hang in there and wait for a miracle, or just some luck really.

But I can't find the strength to overcome the loss of 20 years of my life, the loss of the best and most important years. I can't stop being ashamed of everything I did and myself in general, even though I understand it's not my fault. And I can't stop being angry at all the bad things that happened to me, even though I didn't deserve them, because all my life I never meant harm to anyone, I just wanted to be happy, nothing else.

I can't stop those feelings. My heart wins over my mind. I wish I would just die.
>> No. 394 [Edit]

>But I can't find the strength to overcome the loss of 20 years of my life, the loss of the best and most important years.

By thinking so we waste even more years - our 20s could be enjoyable, too. Isn't it ironical? Even though I understand it perfectly there's not much I can do about it.

My problem, however, is that I'm past the point of being ashamed and having all suicidal thoughts. Now I just don't give a damn anymore. If I had to name one thing I deeply regret I'd have to say I regret not killing myself few years ago, when I really felt like it. I'm not sure whether I still have what it takes to commit suicide.
>> No. 395 [Edit]
You will find that reason is more powerful, yet more comforting, than faith my friend.
>> No. 396 [Edit]
File 12900399657.jpg - (208.79KB , 704x518 , evafinWALL2.jpg )

>What's more, I cannot blame myself either... everything I had ever done was... the best I could
of course you can and should blame yourself. you did your best? well: so what? you aimed for concrete things didn't you? so who the fuck cares if it was hard or not, you should judge yourself for the RESULTS you've got. judging yourself positively just because "you did your best", it's just a cheap consolation prize and a super effective way to mediocricy, if you ask me.

>If I went back in time, I'd commit the same mistakes again; simply because I made each of them for a good reason.
well, the reason is because YOU FAILED. they were mistakes precisely because you didn't do them on purpose, einstein; you had some expectations wich were the true reasons behind your acts, but they got unfulfilled and so you faced the mistake. we aren't (omnipotent) Haruhis; situations might often exceed us, and hence we'll experience failure and pain; the only profit you can get from mistakes it's to learn from them, i.e. to remember, at least, that you should never fucking make them again... but you seem to miss even this, with your oh so zen enlightened-one fallacious attitude. you can't possibly learn from failure, if you don't even recognize it as so; it's because you feel like shit that you can learn; you're sacrificing knowledge for vulgar happiness.

>I'm forced to conclude that if I have absolutely no idea what I should do... and do nothing in particular, except to enjoy life until a miracle comes along
that you admit you don't know what to do? great: that's honest; that hence you decide to do nothing in particular? good: that is prudence. that you actually wait for a miracle to ever come (as a solution)? you're so asking for it (failure) again...

this board is getting lamer and lamer. i preffer a thousand times to hear how people feel like shit and long to die because they're still hard on themselves and the world around them, than to hear motivational sunday 2nd hand preachings about re-discovered hapiness, from supersticious brohonos.

so thanks for your good intentions, mate, really; but i can´t possibly fall for them (and neitehr should you).
>> No. 399 [Edit]
Take it easy, Brohno. It's fine to disagree but please be civil. We're not supposed to feel judged here.
>> No. 400 [Edit]
I'm not >>392-san but I really must rebut your claims.

>you did your best? well: so what? you aimed for concrete things didn't you? so who the fuck cares if it was hard or not, you should judge yourself for the RESULTS you've got. judging yourself positively just because "you did your best", it's just a cheap consolation prize and a super effective way to mediocricy, if you ask me.

Thats just a difference in opinion. Some value results, others value personal development. Trying your best means that you got the best possible result that you could acheive. Theres no reason to beat yourself up for getting any less. In fact, doing so is a good way to lessen your productivity.

About your second point, failures can occur involuntarily.

About your fourth point, not neccesarily so.

About your fifth point, Ive been here since the beginning and the board has not declined in quality at all. It must be your personal bias accounting for the decrease in quality. Or it could be YOU. You don't seem to follow the rule that we must be civil on this board.
>> No. 499 [Edit]
anyone else miss the anonib hiki board?
>> No. 500 [Edit]
Isn't it still around? I know it needed to be remade at some point. Its old incarnation, at least, was a really fascinating board, and there were plenty of useful/enlightening posts on there.
>> No. 506 [Edit]
it was still around but the whole anonib site seems to be down. I think its been like this for a couple of weeks now.
>> No. 510 [Edit]
It's going on a month that they've been down, I think. I wonder what's up.

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