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Recent News Post: another theme by tohno - 23rd Dec 2011
File 132505010123.jpg - (36.14KB , 530x394 , Avenger-Controller.jpg )
12135 No. 12135 [Edit]
I figure I should post this here.

Basically some retard who was doing marketing for a new controller (that looks quite shitty to me but oh well) was a huge dick to the customers. The e-mails are quite funny to read, and the guy got what he deserved in the end, so it's even better.

Post edited on 27th Dec 2011, 9:29pm
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>> No. 12140 [Edit]
what the hell is that controller
>> No. 12142 [Edit]
The controller the OM guy was supposed to be selling. It's apparently aimed at people with disabilities. Can't see how that would work though.
>> No. 12143 [Edit]
The controller looks like a useless piece of garbage and both of the guys sound like absolute dickheads.
>> No. 12144 [Edit]
360 controller autism edition
>> No. 12145 [Edit]
The lack of punctuation in this guy's rants is painful. I really hate how people can't even write their own language correctly.

It was funny how he started singing a different song when the shit hit the fan. It is even worse when someone tries to apologize because they got caught rather than from remorse.
>> No. 12146 [Edit]
File 132505251932.jpg - (101.52KB , 494x282 , TheHomer.jpg )
>> No. 12147 [Edit]
lol, indeed.
>> No. 12150 [Edit]
Lol, I laughed more than I should.
>> No. 12151 [Edit]
language is subjective, there is no correct way.

/fixing the internet one grammer nazi at a time
>> No. 12152 [Edit]

language is not subjective at all, there is a wrong way and a right way to speak, and while certain rules can be ignored in the context of whatever you are writing, you WILL sound like an idiot if you are trying to write something even the least bit professional.

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