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File 129867469892.png - (671.34KB , 1280x720 , 0kme.png )
3408 No. 3408 [Edit]
Expand all images
>> No. 3410 [Edit]
File 129867503448.jpg - (1.25MB , 2800x2800 , 1287705319876.jpg )
>Kuroko thread
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
File 129867503660.jpg - (133.64KB , 540x414 , 1270622317804.jpg )
Quality thread.
>> No. 3412 [Edit]
File 129867505238.jpg - (51.73KB , 960x555 , 1298197959848.jpg )
>> No. 3413 [Edit]

You're supposed to love me, what gives.
>> No. 3414 [Edit]
High five!
>> No. 3415 [Edit]
File 129867534286.jpg - (87.71KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20100501012006.jpg )
This is how I express my love.
>> No. 3416 [Edit]
File 129867577751.jpg - (538.10KB , 1129x1600 , moe%20122459%20ass%20misaka_mikoto%20naruse_hirofu.jpg )
Kuroko turns me on in ways I never thought imaginable.
>> No. 3417 [Edit]
File 129867612131.jpg - (27.08KB , 446x389 , 1287716324112.jpg )

Thanks, some one loves me! I'm so happy. I promise to love you forever and ever and always celebrate your birthdays. I'm that kind of namefag.
>> No. 3419 [Edit]
File 129867690745.jpg - (31.09KB , 128x128 , 1298622100144.jpg )
>> No. 3420 [Edit]
File 129867693245.jpg - (25.73KB , 430x430 , 1297904403136.jpg )
>> No. 3421 [Edit]
File 129867750956.jpg - (33.67KB , 400x400 , 1298508082086.jpg )
>> No. 3422 [Edit]
Kurako is my wifu~
>> No. 3423 [Edit]
Korako is my wifi
>> No. 3428 [Edit]
I love how Kuroko is such an elegant yet perverted girl. Her voice and mannerisms are so erotic.
>> No. 3442 [Edit]
I agree. I know some people hate her voice but I personally can't get enough of it
>> No. 3458 [Edit]

Kuroko's seiyuu should be named GOAT, right here and right now. 2nd place goes to Omigawa Chiaki. This includes females only, Emperor Norio will always be my #1. <3[/spoiler]

Also why the hell hasn't this been deleted yet.
>> No. 3487 [Edit]
You win <3
>> No. 3488 [Edit]
Shitting up /jp/ wasn't enough for you?
>> No. 3561 [Edit]
File 129911993294.jpg - (304.40KB , 1920x1080 , 1298435385895.jpg )

I like to spread my love everywhere.
>> No. 3562 [Edit]
File 129912168819.jpg - (231.48KB , 800x561 , 1b581a654c887c1b03ba07d316716656.jpg )
Don't be mean to Kuroko spammer, he's retard moe. Also his dedication rivals that of the "I will post this every day until christmas" Yui guy.
>> No. 3578 [Edit]
まあ~ まあ~ おねえさま。
>> No. 3621 [Edit]
Her voice makes my loins shudder :3
>> No. 3630 [Edit]
Kuroko is the only bad choice out of the railgun cast.
>> No. 3656 [Edit]
File 129937653666.jpg - (37.11KB , 401x430 , Getout16.jpg )
Kuroko's the best character in both Railgun and Index by a longshot. She basically holds up both shows single-handedly. It's all in the voice; she'd probably be another forgettable character if she had a generic voice. But, crazy old lady voice somehow makes her both fucking hilarious and awesome at the same time.

She's the only char in the Indexverse that I legitimately like, as in I would gladly just hang out with her and be her friend rather than see her as a mere sex toy.

All that being said, pic related.
>> No. 3657 [Edit]
File 129937824157.png - (162.43KB , 500x281 , kuroko.png )
Kuroko could be great, if her dykeness -and fail- weren't just that cockblocking
and both Index and Railgun being so damn boring at times, don't really help her at all
>> No. 3672 [Edit]
File 129945977888.jpg - (243.64KB , 855x1216 , 1297984542871.jpg )
I approve this thread.
>> No. 3690 [Edit]
My kind of thread.
>> No. 3720 [Edit]
Biri biri is wonderful
Saten is wonderful
Uiharu is wonderful
Kuroko can go choke on a dick
>> No. 3721 [Edit]
>Kuroko can go choke on a dick

Yeah, mine
>> No. 3880 [Edit]
File 129990922763.gif - (552.68KB , 640x360 , 1297473010465.gif )
What's the story behind this picture?
>> No. 3881 [Edit]
File 129990954893.jpg - (187.74KB , 429x480 , 1297359993672.jpg )
She's a refined gentlewoman who knows what she wants. Which is much more appealing than your standard issue moe-moe girl with them PLOTS.
>> No. 3949 [Edit]

Ad her to /mai/'s sticky, already...
>> No. 4417 [Edit]

She's not mai waifu.
>> No. 4422 [Edit]
You tsundere bastard.
>> No. 4690 [Edit]
File 130153124345.jpg - (139.04KB , 1280x720 , 1291509863336.jpg )
>Railgun S2 confirmed

My body is ready.
>> No. 4691 [Edit]
What ? You have a source on that ?
>> No. 4692 [Edit]
oh tc you so gullible
>> No. 4713 [Edit]
I would believe anything if it meant more Kuroko.
>> No. 5113 [Edit]

Stop toying with my heart you sick fuck.
>> No. 6999 [Edit]
File 130552672843.jpg - (139.24KB , 1280x720 , 1296961560954.jpg )
Hooray for Kuroko!!
>> No. 7000 [Edit]
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Post edited on 15th May 2011, 11:36pm
>> No. 7002 [Edit]
File 130552848949.gif - (2.95MB , 271x371 , 127887615715.gif )
>> No. 10886 [Edit]
File 131845241580.jpg - (77.28KB , 500x281 , 3217922394_0d9ed61784.jpg )
>> No. 10887 [Edit]
>> No. 13019 [Edit]
Why is Kuroko's voice so wonderful?
>> No. 13020 [Edit]
File 132857260129.jpg - (200.06KB , 1276x718 , 892.jpg )
koruko is my wifu
>> No. 13021 [Edit]
I would love to lay with her in bed and wake up to her whispering good morning in my ear. She's so small an warm too...
>> No. 13024 [Edit]
            ,. ''"´ ̄`フ三三} /:.:/ : /: : : :.:/V゙l: : : : : : : :.ヽ=?br/>            /: : : :,.-‐ァ゙三=/ /:.:/ : /: /: : /´^`|: : :.:.:.|: : : : ∨
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>> No. 13028 [Edit]
I thought she was holding a xbox controller until I expanded the picture
>> No. 13029 [Edit]
I think it looks more like a N64 controller at first glance.
>> No. 13032 [Edit]
That's what I thought.
>> No. 13035 [Edit]
do you think kuroko prefers ocarina of time or majora's mask?
>> No. 13045 [Edit]
Can't believe this thread is still alive.

It's not like I'm complaining, though. Must've been saved from the bottom of page 10.
>> No. 13051 [Edit]

Majora's Mask because she has good taste
>> No. 13082 [Edit]

>she has good taste

I thought she liked Biri Biri?
>> No. 13215 [Edit]
biri biri is a good girl, it's okay.
>> No. 13369 [Edit]
File 132972806465.jpg - (47.16KB , 319x700 , Smiling Kuroko.jpg )
I hope that tohno-chan's love of Kuroko has grown in the last year <3

Cheers to another year of memories with Kuroko!
>> No. 13370 [Edit]
I've got my first fig of her due to arrive any day now.
>> No. 13374 [Edit]

Biri biri might be a good girl but she's still a poor character.
>> No. 15598 [Edit]
Does t-c ever think about trying to turn Kuroko straight?
>> No. 15599 [Edit]
I would rather become a fellow cute girl so she would be gay for me
>> No. 15601 [Edit]
I think I'd rather help her out if I could.
>> No. 15602 [Edit]
Damn I hate /jp/.
>> No. 15603 [Edit]

This is more /a/ related.
>> No. 15604 [Edit]
File 134066008754.jpg - (112.72KB , 900x638 , Kuroko_bikini.jpg )
I don't think that's necessary, I'd even be surprised if anyone could get her to be more straight than she already is.
>> No. 15606 [Edit]
I want Kuroko to sit on my face really bad
>> No. 15611 [Edit]
And by that I mean, work with her to win over Mikoto.

I'm no expecrt on romance, but I'd do what I can.
I'd probably start by trying to convince her to lay off a little bit, and get her to realise her assertiveness is the main factor that's keeping Mikoto on the fence.
She needs to really ease up and take things slower, you can't force (most) people to love you overnight by trying to rape them whenever you have the chance.
There were times when Kuroko was able to soften up Mikoto just by playing it slow and cool, but ruined it by again, trying to rape her.

Another thing I'd suggest is switching her style, Mikoto is clearly not digging the whole super sexy sultry seductive thing that she trys sometimes, even if Kuroko doesn't really like it that much, she should try adopting some of the cuter (maybe frog themed) apparel that Mikoto likes so much, and ditch the slutty outfits.
I respect Kuroko's dedication, but if you want someone to like you, you've got to adopt things they like, not try to force things the other way around.

and before you say it! Touma already has Index. I think things would work out much better for everyone if Mikoto accepted Kuroko.
>> No. 18908 [Edit]
So who's looking forward to Railgun S2?
>> No. 18910 [Edit]
File 135434382992.jpg - (0.97MB , 2557x3642 , kuroko.jpg )

I can't fucking wait.
>> No. 18923 [Edit]
She should rape Mikoto already
>> No. 18941 [Edit]
I'm really looking forward to it, when is it supposed to begin airing?
>> No. 18942 [Edit]
I'm surprised she hasn't, she certainly could.
>> No. 18951 [Edit]
She could probably get a quick grope before being electrocuted, maybe. Might be better to teleport all her clothes away, or something.
>> No. 18958 [Edit]
or she could teleport some handcuffs or rope into place. maybe make use of some none conductive rubber materials for handling. Then again, she seems to kind of enjoy being electrocuted.
>> No. 20675 [Edit]
File 136105347798.jpg - (573.31KB , 1280x1187 , 1344491193086.jpg )
It's time.
>> No. 21287 [Edit]
Time to get hyped.
>> No. 21289 [Edit]
>> No. 21292 [Edit]
Shouldn't this be in /mai/ or /an/?
>> No. 21293 [Edit]
>> No. 21301 [Edit]
File 136445805144.jpg - (88.11KB , 366x512 , kuroko.jpg )
Tohno agreed, don't bother him about it.
>> No. 21474 [Edit]
>> No. 21475 [Edit]
>> No. 21497 [Edit]
It's finally here!

>> No. 21501 [Edit]
File 136584156456.jpg - (84.24KB , 1280x720 , 1kme candidate.jpg )
>> No. 21502 [Edit]
File 13658416175.jpg - (165.57KB , 1440x810 , 1365782068994.jpg )
>> No. 21503 [Edit]
I love Kuroko but I don't really like Index/Railgun very much
>> No. 21504 [Edit]
I agree, the anime have likable characters, but the shows themselves are moronic.
>> No. 21505 [Edit]
Kuroko's seiyuu still sounds like obaachan.
>> No. 21506 [Edit]

Well she is married and has kids so she's not exactly a teenager anymore.


I forced myself to watch Index after finding out Kuroko is a regular on that show and I don't really regret it but there's no fucking way I could watch another season of that.
>> No. 21551 [Edit]
I've quite a bit of vodka to waste, so I've decided to waste it watching Railgun. The opening song is out of this world and all sorts of brilliant. The show's okay as well, which is nice. I'm enjoying myself.
>> No. 22875 [Edit]
File 137868903518.png - (1.30MB , 1280x720 , libido.png )
>> No. 22876 [Edit]
Good morning Kuroko.
>> No. 23006 [Edit]
thread kuroko!
>> No. 23143 [Edit]
File 138338244470.jpg - (43.76KB , 312x365 , 1382565939320.jpg )
>> No. 23359 [Edit]
File 138636423839.png - (32.26KB , 670x670 , kuroko_hanko.png )
>> No. 23360 [Edit]
Now you've got me thinking whether it'd be possible to fug her straight.
>> No. 23585 [Edit]
First Kuroko post of 2014!
>> No. 23897 [Edit]
File 139665530926.jpg - (96.28KB , 1280x720 , kurokowood.jpg )
who /wood/ here?
>> No. 23910 [Edit]
File 139684838719.jpg - (188.22KB , 1280x720 , kurokobone.jpg )
I /bone/ here.
>> No. 24832 [Edit]
Truly the best!

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