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File 143024378748.png - (722.98KB , 1024x576 , cute anime screencap2015-02-08-04h27m25s13.png )
26891 No. 26891 [Edit]
i just want to look at cute stuff.
what are some websites with cute stuff?
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>> No. 26893 [Edit]

No longer updated, sadly.
>> No. 27011 [Edit]
When I want to look at cute girls, I usually browse zerochan.net. It's not a chan as such, it's basically just a work safe, cute-focused Gelbooru.
>> No. 27026 [Edit]
File 143250572927.jpg - (181.79KB , 800x999 , 1425250720728.jpg )
Neat. I've always just used boorus and pixiv to find cute pictures.
>> No. 27071 [Edit]

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