No. 26453
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I check the boards manually, I just go through the boards that interest me every 'morning' (i.e. after I wake up) - amusingly enough yesterday I didn't do it for the first time in a long long while, couldn't access the net.
I go from left to right /an/ -> /ma/ -> /vg/ -> /vn/ -> /cr/ -> /so/ -> /ot/ -> /fb/ -> /pic/. I browse /vg/ and /so/ out of force of habit kinda, I used to be more interested in those boards and the things they talk about but now I only post on them like once a month. I spend the most time on /an/. I wish the other boards had more activity but considering I don't post much on them either I have no right to complain I guess.
Also this is an /fb/ topic kinda.