H-Here I go, guys. I'm posting on Tohno-chan. Holy shit what should I write?(USER TOOK IT EASY IN THIS POST)
==how2 redtext==
If that gif is an indication on what you're doing, then you should start by moving your fingers as you type. You should also get yourself a tactile keyboard.
>>25537 I advanced to the ranks of touch typist before, but have since devoled back to chicken pecker. I was born a chicken pecker; I'll die a chicken pecker, and only my fleas will mourn me.
>>25508 Board-pertinent content: 2D japanese media, your waifu, your hobbies, your feelings of contempt against society... you know: /tc/ stuff.
>>25541 >your feelings of contempt against society This one is a TC classic, and my personal favorite.
>>25545 But I love society! It's just that those feelings aren't reciprocated...
>>25546 But are you doing what society wants you to do? If not then you can't possible love society! -society You probably just want to sponge off of us said society
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