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File 141561723236.jpg - (36.64KB , 600x450 , 1415387227875.jpg )
25390 No. 25390 [Edit]
Why is she in a washing machine?
>> No. 25391 [Edit]
If you think about it, aren't we all in washing machines?
>> No. 25392 [Edit]
The earth rotates and also has some some water in it.
So I guess it's pretty close
>> No. 25394 [Edit]
Two seconds from now you will be one kilometer east from where you are now.
>> No. 25413 [Edit]
It could just be a circular window
>> No. 25643 [Edit]
probably this.
>> No. 25657 [Edit]
It's actually you who's inside the washing machine and she's trying to get you out, she's crying because she's worried you'll die in there!

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