No. 25196
I assume you already know the kana.
Anki! http://ankisrs.net/
Deck for Anki: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/702754122
Read the description of the anki deck carefully and just do the reviews + new cards daily, it will pay off big time. Some people also prefer to make their own deck with vocab they encounter in daily life, but I'd recommend that only if you can already read to some extend.
I recommend writing down the kanji you learn in anki at least once.
If you have problems getting anki to work I can help you with tech support.
Grammar guide: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/grammar_guide.pdf
And watch a lot of anime raw, read raw manga, japanese posts on the internet, watch japanese TV, whatever comes to mind. Learn by doing.
That's how I study, there's no "perfect" way to study though so this method may not bring your very far. It's important you find your own way of studying at some point, do what you feel is best and not what people want you to do.
Post edited on 15th Oct 2014, 12:00am