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File 140646770568.jpg - (704.18KB , 1191x1684 , f23ddb1e043ae95768c14d65744dafa8.jpg )
24659 No. 24659 [Edit]
Tomboyish girls are the best.
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>> No. 24662 [Edit]
If by best you mean worst, I agree completely.
>> No. 24663 [Edit]
They can be good. Ultimately, it truly depends on the girl herself.

Don't you dare start.
>> No. 24664 [Edit]
Don't you dare finish.
>> No. 24665 [Edit]
Once it has started, it can never end. And you know that.
>> No. 24666 [Edit]
File 140650931619.jpg - (545.26KB , 857x1000 , 8be65335a1838ca63e98e655ba51acc6.jpg )
I agree, OP.
>> No. 24677 [Edit]
File 140656699316.jpg - (274.26KB , 497x855 , c6d40be114811cfa8171f7ca99bcd963.jpg )
Tomboyish girls remind me of sports bra.
>> No. 24729 [Edit]
They are the miracles.
>> No. 24749 [Edit]
Test post
>> No. 24750 [Edit]
I must admit, I like them more because I can relate to them more than the average girl. Even in anime, the cliches of female characters tend to confound my view of a character more than support their characterization, but tomboys suffer from this phenomenon to a lesser extent.
>> No. 24831 [Edit]
File 140769147238.jpg - (228.98KB , 720x480 , 1248490050999.jpg )
I used to think I liked tomboys, but then I realized it was mostly about the shorter haircuts.

I do like tomboys whose "tough girl" attitude is an act (so not really tomboys I guess). When they're embarrassed by their girlishness, even though deep down that's all they want. A tomboy trying her hardest not to seem too girly and cute (and failing adorably). That's the best.
>> No. 24847 [Edit]
File 140789322486.jpg - (80.21KB , 634x479 , 786trf7tf.jpg )

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