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File 140630612395.jpg - (41.12KB , 728x1036 , ressentiment_v3_077.jpg )
24643 No. 24643 [Edit]
What anime character looks like you the most?
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>> No. 24644 [Edit]
I hope that I never end up seeing something as hideous as me and my 3D shit body/face in a medium that I like.
>> No. 24645 [Edit]
There was a background character in initial-d that looked so much like me I thought it was creepy. Can't be fucked to find a screen cap since I can't remember what season it was in, let alone what eps.
>> No. 24656 [Edit]
Someone between Maes Hughes and Gendo Ikari.
>> No. 24727 [Edit]
File 14068718963.jpg - (42.63KB , 1366x728 , 11i0s2w.jpg )
I look a little bit like Kasai. Except for the fact that my head is shaved due to encroaching baldness. And if you add about 15 lbs of unnecessary fat. And if you make him a much sloppier dresser and considerably less of a badass. We have similar beards, I guess is my point.
>> No. 24757 [Edit]
File 140722187130.jpg - (527.19KB , 1272x1153 , 628178.jpg )
Keima Katsuragi is the closest I can think of right off hand, even with the different build and eye color.
>> No. 24779 [Edit]
File 140748054250.jpg - (4.06KB , 260x146 , 134627839543s.jpg )
probably nagato, except i'm a roundeye
>> No. 24842 [Edit]
File 140781093599.png - (302.08KB , 704x510 , fatguy.png )
>> No. 24985 [Edit]
File 14100054861.jpg - (94.19KB , 1012x512 , me.jpg )
Somewhere between these.

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