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23954 No. 23954 [Edit]
Do you have any specific ways you try to maintain a healthy diet on limited budget? Personally I try to eat eggs when I can. Now it's time for my rant:

I have always thought it is absurd that people should have to buy expensive fruits and vegetables to stay healthy, when modern food processing means we can obtain necessary micronutrients for fractions of cents. It would be good to see fortification of more cheap foods, rather than just bread fortification (who actually eats a lot of bread?) and iodisation of salt. It would lead to better health for poor people.
I think the reason it is slow to happen is that there are vested interests in the food and pharmaceutical industries: they don't want people to be able to eat healthily very cheaply. Also perhaps because governments don't truly care for people who are an economic net loss.

Closer to our hearts, I recently read about something that would certainly lead to better NEET health outcomes:

>> No. 23967 [Edit]
Most of the time I just eat rice, sometimes vegetables... Buy frozen ones, cook them and eat with ketchup. Fast and healthy. I don't think fortified food is as good as the real thing. As far as I know eggs are not that healthy.
>> No. 23968 [Edit]
The good thing about eggs is that they're rich on proteins and they keep you going for longer than carbs and fat.
>> No. 23969 [Edit]
I started eating eggs recently. theyre pretty cheap, you can get a carton of eggs and a bag of bread (wholemeal), maybe some tomatoes on the side, 12 eggs = dinner for 6 days.
>> No. 23970 [Edit]
Eggs might have a lot of fat or whatever but they are essentially the closest thing to a complete food. Because they have to support chickens they contain most vitamins. Eggs seem to be the cheapest nutritious food, so I guess if I can't afford a balanced diet eating them is the next best thing. I would buy frozen vegetables more often if my freezer wasn't broken, pretty much everything I buy frozen has to be cooked within two days.
>> No. 23974 [Edit]
Eggs and milk are excellent foods, but eggs especially contains a very large amount of cholesterol. At any rate, one shouldn't eat the same sort of thing day in day out, as you will 100% overdose on certain nutrients while having a deficiency in others. Eat a variety of natural foods like vegatables, fruit, meat, bread/grains and yes also eggs and milk, while avoiding anything that is processed and in plastic packaging. If you want things like pizza and burger it is tastier and healthier to make it yourself instead of buy one made in a factory in Bangladesh.

I once read someone saying he ate only bread and a multivitamin. This sort of thing shows an ignorance of basic biochemistry. The body needs more than an energy source and trace nutrients. It needs a set of essential amino acids for cell repair, fats and cholesterol form the basis of cell walls, many hormones and signalling molecules, phosphorous for DNA synthesis and tons more I won't list. Certain nutrients are unstable and cannot be put into pill form, they can only be obtained by eating the food its in. If you just stick to eating one thing all the time you are bound to be missing out on something. The only way to beat this is to eat a variety of things. Your taste buds will also thank you.
>> No. 23976 [Edit]
I dumpster dive! I don't know how feasible this is in other nations, but here in the US there's plenty of good vegetables and fruits for the taking if you're willing to dig for them. Without going into great detail, I'll say I'm able to follow a 'paleo'-type diet of only meat, fruits, and vegetables (LOTS of vegetables) without spending a dime. It's still far from optimal, as most of the vegetables aren't organic and the meat is factory-farmed, but assuming one could plot some sort of cost-health continuum I'm fairly certain my methods would rank pretty high. I do spend some money on supplements though, namely fish oil and magnesium.
>I have always thought it is absurd that people should have to buy expensive fruits and vegetables to stay healthy, when modern food processing means we can obtain necessary micronutrients for fractions of cents.
Like >>23974 pointed out, nutrition is a bit more nuanced than just getting the necessary micronutrients. Although I can't list specifics, I know there are many different phytochemicals present in fruits, vegetables, and herbs that exhibit different antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that are important to health. And I suppose things like cup ramen could eventually be engineered to contain all of these compounds in an optimal balance, but is it really that much cheaper? I admit that I haven't bought anything like instant noodles in ages, but calorie-for-calorie are they really any cheaper than things like potatoes or even white rice, which is going to be quite a bit better for you than instant noodles? I guess I just never got ramen/cup noodles' seeming ubiquity in the otaku/neet world.
>> No. 23977 [Edit]
>I guess I just never got ramen/cup noodles' seeming ubiquity in the otaku/neet world.
It's some of the cheapest food out there and I'd think most otaku/neet wouldn't give a rats behind about 'nutrients'.
>> No. 23980 [Edit]
The best meat fillers are scrambled egg or tofu, IMHO. And both go good with veggies.

Go for greens in this mix, as I am certain most tohnos get enough carbs throuhghout the day as it is. `
>> No. 23982 [Edit]
>I think the reason it is slow to happen is that there are vested interests in the food and pharmaceutical industries: they don't want people to be able to eat healthily very cheaply.

Nah I'm pretty sure it's due to incredibly ignorant people that keep demanding 'organic' food and shunning genetically modified food as being "franken food". These asshats would rather people around the world starve to death than have to accept food they aren't comfortable with thanks to slander by misguided and uninformed idiots.
>> No. 23983 [Edit]
>I guess I just never got ramen/cup noodles' seeming ubiquity in the otaku/neet world.
Laziness is a helluva drug.
>> No. 23985 [Edit]
Those persons only perceive the quality of the food, not the quanity which is distributed. Its like showing them fine china and plastic and having them choose between the two, while the rest of the world is lucky if it gets plastic.

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