No. 23718
>Is anyone getting sick of *chan sites and going back to normal forums?
No, the only point I see in using forums is for joining an actual community that does stuff IRL, or at least works on a specific project like a video game or whatever. For actually discussing things, anonymous chan sites are way better than regular forums.
I've written so much stupid stuff over the years ever since I discovered 4chan in 2006, I'm really glad that nothing of it is archived anywhere under a name associated with me and nobody other than the NSA can simply pull it all out again just by finding out what pseudonym I've been using on those forums.
In regular forums, it often seemed to me like most people were simply ignoring me after a while. Maybe they actually blocklisted me, I don't know (I was generally quite friendly to people, but I'll be the first to admit that I have terrible social skills). On anon sites, people just read my posts like those of anyone else, and often even compliment me for good insights, or for being funny, or helpful. And I know that these compliments are not just empty words, but indeed genuine, because there's little in the way of false friendliness on chans.
Being brutally honest has little to no social repercussions on these sites, and hence there's hardly a place where people are more honest about their opinions.
When I'm in a discussion, I do not feel the need to defend the side I initially argued for just for the sake of keeping face, and certainly not after the discussion is already over. When the guy on the other end convinces me that his standpoint is the correct or more sensible one, I don't have to swallow much of my pride to just switch sides and argue against the very things I was advocating just 10 minutes earlier. This has helped me immensely in identifying and discarding internal self-contradictions in my views, positions and opinions, especially in regard to politics.
I can be an asshole when I feel like it, and be friendly to people when I'm in a good mood, and each time be received accordingly. There's enough need to hide my true feelings when I have to interact with people in my offline life, I don't want any of that when I talk to people on the internet for recreational purposes.