No. 24116
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Been working my way through the Godzilla series. Some of the movies range from stupid and boring, to so bad it's funny. They got continuity errors up the ass and don't give two fucks about it. They even like to recycle footage/music from previous movies as if people wouldn't notice. ...but it's kinda hard not to when you got something that takes place at night with daytime scenes edited in. In some movies they like to toss in new monsters without bothering to explain where they came from, or use monsters that had already been killed in previous movies.
I can picture the creators saying to people "Look at all the fucks I don't give!" I can understand that with these older movies they had a lot of technical limitations, but I can't help but feel having the guy in the godzilla suit jump around like a boxer when fighting or quickly flaying it's arms around just completely ruins the illusion of it's size. It's supposed to be a fucking massive monster that towers over tall buildings, you can't have him floating like a butter fly & stinging like a bee. No seriously, he sometimes fights other monsters like a boxer. I also feel the camera framing is way off a lot of the time. They should use more lower angle shots to help establish it's size, instead of using flat level framing. If it were only stuff like that it'd be okay, but some of the movies just go full fucking retarded. For instance I couldn't stop laughing when in Godzilla vs Hedorah he started flying by using his breath while curled up like an infant (see image) it was fucking great. They even have him communicating with other monsters using speech bubbles in one movie.
I thought the very first one was pretty decent, sure the costume for godzilla looked like it could fall apart at any moment but it was a pretty decent movie and. Monster shows up, people deal with the large scale destruction it causes while trying to figure out where it came from and how to stop it, then manage to kill it at the end. second one was okay enough but a tad bit on the dull side since it was more or less doing the same thing again. Then for each movie they start just throwing out random monsters to duke it out with in some poorly choreographed fights that get dragged out way to long. I know it's the main appeal but after ten straight minutes of watching guys in costumes trow foam rocks at each other, shit starts to get old. Once I got to the mid 60's movies it really started to show that they were starting to aim the movies more at kids. They even went as far as to give Godzilla a kid, and made him the focus of two (terrible) movies with one movie all taking place in a kid's head. It was also starting to show that they were pumping these things out yearly, even making more than one during some years. many of the movies had story's that felt very slapped together and over all rushed. If nothing else I can really respect and appreciate the amount of work that must have gone into all the models in these films Especially when they're building these things knowing full well someone's going to be stomping all over them or blowing them up when they're finished. ...although it's still funny when they do stuff like trying to pass off store bought dolls as mannequins.
I'm still only on the mid 70s films atm and am hoping some of the late 80s films and on prove to be better, or at least less cheesy.