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File 138852674154.jpg - (161.48KB , 700x629 , fridey.jpg )
23461 No. 23461 [Edit]
updated with mspaint.exe quality and PRINCE!!


pls party hard
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>> No. 23462 [Edit]
Happy New Year.
>> No. 23463 [Edit]
File 138854035970.jpg - (60.52KB , 1362x768 , Ef Memories 30.jpg )
I've went through extremely painful moments this year. But, thanks to remaining an otaku, I've also had the immense joy of seeing things of staggering beauty. I have little to no hope, but I have no regrets. I lived this year with passion, come what may. I was a happy. I've been a very fortunate and happy man.

Good year and good luck to you, guys.
>> No. 23466 [Edit]
hi ticks
you seem like a cool guy we should hang out cause i live near u
plz be my firend
>> No. 23468 [Edit]
my awesome what
>> No. 23470 [Edit]
Man, what is that bird from? Shit is bugging me for some reason...
> But, thanks to remaining an otaku, I've also had the immense joy of seeing things of staggering beauty.
I know what you mean, and it's why I continue to live the life as well. Good year to you too!
>> No. 23481 [Edit]

Eat shit and die.
>> No. 23490 [Edit]
File 138878871947.jpg - (0.96MB , 4000x3500 , 1336186587934.jpg )

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