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File 137835459493.jpg - (32.04KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Steins;Gate - 12 [69996EE2]_mkv_snapshot_.jpg )
22844 No. 22844 [Edit]
So, I checked my dorm today. It's good, it has an oven, refrigerator, beds, and a couch.

here's a provisional list on shit for me to but. what else should I add on?

Six rolls of toilet paper/tissue//one 'set' of rolls
A package of tissue
Lotion (reappropriated or new)
Black garbage bags - large ones
Bleach and other cleansing agents
Soaps (reappropriated)'
Cooking materials/eating utensils (reappropriated)
HDTV and acccessories (reappropriated)
Toothpaste/Toothbrushes (reappropriated)
Sheets/Blankets/Pillows/etc (reappropriated)
Foodstuffs: (jasmine rice, ramen, juices, bacon, etc)
Rice cooker/boiler (reappropriated)
Cooking Oil
Lights (reappropriated)
Bookshelf (reappropriatted)
All of [mine] Shoes (reappropriated)
A majority of [mine] clothes (reappropriated)
Majority of [mine] books (reappropriated)
>> No. 22847 [Edit]
i can't fucking wait for the S;G movie to be subbed and available as an illegal download
>> No. 22850 [Edit]
Sounds like you have all of the essentials.

If the place you're moving to has a lot of shady people and you need some extra security, you could always bring a portable safe and a cheap tool that could be used as a blunt weapon if need be (ie: a claw hammer or a baseball bat).
>> No. 22851 [Edit]
I hope you enjoy living in a dorm more than I did.
>> No. 22858 [Edit]
I was thinking of bring this stick I made in grammar school with me for i guess nostalgia purposes, but it is a university dorm full of post-graduate students, people who are married and those over 23 - and you get in using your school I.D. which 'unlocks' the door if yo swipe it by. The door is pretty strong and metallic too.
>> No. 22859 [Edit]
i.e. no need to knock a motherfucker out......yet!
>> No. 22860 [Edit]
>you could always bring a portable safe and a cheap tool that could be used as a blunt weapon if need be (ie: a claw hammer or a baseball bat).

They'll just laugh at you. He needs to buy a butterfly-knife or a katana.
>> No. 22942 [Edit]
OP here I am in the dorm now and am doing ok my mother/grand,mother are shipping me stuff I live in the same city and will apply for a LINK card soon......
>> No. 23036 [Edit]
can i download the S;G movie anywhere yet?

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