/ot/ - Otaku Tangents

/ot/ - Otaku Tangents
This is a board for topics that don't fit on other boards, but that are still otaku/hobby related.
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File 137742128068.png - (112.68KB , 966x287 , 1268743225181.png )
22780 No. 22780 [Edit]
You ever get this feeling?
>> No. 22792 [Edit]
Replies: >>22797
A gun between my man boobs? no.
>> No. 22793 [Edit]
Wait until he finds out you can see nipples on the internet without torrenting an entire show. It'll be the best day of his life.
>> No. 22797 [Edit]
No, that feeling when you witness something and it just strikes you as being the hottest thing ever and you watch it over and over while masturbating furiously

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