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22428 No. 22428 [Edit]
Asperger Syndrome questionnaire
1. Are you professionally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome?
2. If yes, at what age were you diagnosed?
3. If no, at what age did you self-diagnose?
4. For what reasons do you believe you were diagnosed/should be diagnosed with this condition?
5. In what ways does having Asperger's impair your ability to live a normal life?
6. Are there any ways in which you feel having Asperger's Syndrome improves your quality of life?
>> No. 22431 [Edit]
1. Yes

2. 13

4. Socially retarded and don't like loud noises

5. Turns out there are an awful lot of people and loud noises out there

6. Not especially
>> No. 22433 [Edit]
1. I was misdiagnosed when I was 16 (I'm actually on the Schizophrenia spectrum)

2. 16

4. I had parents who wanted to cover up my psychosis and made mountains out of molehills; I wasn't getting into much trouble

5. Well I significantly regressed in my maturity for while due to the trauma of the misdiagnosis and having a false identity shoved down my throat; I'm 29 now and I'm barely independent, thanks to that

6. It never did
>> No. 22528 [Edit]
1. No.
3. I didn't.
4. I don't.
5. I'm just a bit reclusive, okay?
6. There are none.
>> No. 22530 [Edit]
1. Yes
2. A very early age, like 5 or 6.

4. I was mute during grade, i never socialized
5. I have no interest in social interaction
6. I can't think of any
>> No. 23812 [Edit]
1. Yes
2. 8
4. I made inappropriate comments all the time and had trouble interacting with children
5. It made socialising difficult as a child, but I think through throwing me to the wolves, it made me able to pick up social ques better.
6. None and has made it worse.
>> No. 23813 [Edit]
1. No
3. Never
4. None
5. I'm not an extroverted social butterfly
6. I wish

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