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File 137255279441.jpg - (881.41KB , 2400x1800 , Flowers_for_victims_of_Akihabara_massacre_20080615.jpg )
22237 No. 22237 [Edit]
The Akihabara Massacre was five years ago this month... wow...
>> No. 22246 [Edit]
9/11 was 12 years ago.
Welcome to being old.
>> No. 22291 [Edit]
In my school journal when 9/11 happened, I wrote that the plane crashing was cool. Of course, I got in trouble for it.
>> No. 22292 [Edit]
are you still edgy or did you grow out of it?
>> No. 22296 [Edit]
> bigger tragedies happen on a daily basis.
No one in the USA gives a shit about the rest of the world.
>> No. 22312 [Edit]
Probably? If something like that happened again I wouldn't find it cool, I just wouldn't care.
>> No. 22318 [Edit]
I'm sorry that you grew out of your edge. A recent study (Jackson, 2012) showed that maintaining a fierce edge was the #1 defense against Alzhemiers / Dementia.
>> No. 22320 [Edit]
The whole thing was really visually spectacular, just like a Hollywood movie, which is why there are so many conspiracy theories about it.

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