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File 137117301682.jpg - (47.41KB , 586x304 , nyoron chibi-chan.jpg )
22049 No. 22049 [Edit]
I want to read this collection of Haruhi doujin called The Misfortune of Kyon and Koizumi, but I'm all out of leet skills and can't find anywhere to score it, plz help.
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>> No. 22051 [Edit]
File 137117913748.jpg - (69.41KB , 405x563 , epic_win-4e73b4b-intro.jpg )
good one
>> No. 22053 [Edit]
File 137123808929.jpg - (230.60KB , 420x3048 , 1370462033522.jpg )
>> No. 22067 [Edit]

I'm not kidding, it's actually a thing.


Like, if OP can't find it online (which is easy with a google search and a few minutes).

Post edited on 14th Jun 2013, 7:58pm

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