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File 129421392360.jpg - (455.59KB , 2960x1050 , desk.jpg )
2083 No. 2083 [Edit]
Might as well remake this thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 2084 [Edit]
File 129421586693.jpg - (594.96KB , 3360x1050 , desktop.jpg )
Love your network name, Natsume.
>> No. 2085 [Edit]
Could you please post the original of that gorgeous background on the left?
>> No. 2086 [Edit]
File 129421643299.png - (97.25KB , 1280x800 , despkts.png )
>> No. 2087 [Edit]
File 129421654822.jpg - (1.57MB , 2000x1181 , fujiwara_no_mokou kamishirasawa_keine leaves nyki .jpg )
>> No. 2088 [Edit]
File 129421667936.jpg - (713.73KB , 2704x1280 , desk.jpg )
Not much to it
>> No. 2089 [Edit]
File 129421691326.png - (1.88MB , 1366x768 , 2.png )
Thanks bro.

This is just my lappy toppy, will post desktop PC when I get around to using it. Maybe.
>> No. 2090 [Edit]
I need to reorganize my shit again.
>> No. 2091 [Edit]
Hehe, thanks. I love the style of both your wallpapers.
>> No. 2092 [Edit]
File 129421786021.png - (903.82KB , 1400x1050 , desktop.png )
this is just my laptop, i never properly set up the dual-monitor wallpapers and soforth on my desktop. i guess i'll use this thread as an excuse to finally work on it. which means trying to look for 1360x768 suiseiseki wallpapers in the process. which is going to be a pain.
>> No. 2093 [Edit]
File 129422968375.png - (356.40KB , 1680x1050 , desktop.png )
Many desktop I would rather use, but alas putting something like precure or anything else would probably get me kicked out the house. So I have to at least pretend I have potential in life.
>> No. 2094 [Edit]
That's unfortunate, but there's no shame in a Sagan desktop.
>> No. 2095 [Edit]
File 129424635165.jpg - (226.03KB , 1920x1080 , shikata_ga_nai_na.jpg )
It can't be helped.
>> No. 2096 [Edit]
File 129425314425.jpg - (72.03KB , 1920x1080 , AsExcitingAsEver.jpg )
I'm as exciting as ever.
>> No. 2097 [Edit]
good to see someone else uses the grey windows 95 start bar
>> No. 2099 [Edit]
Yeah, the XP task bar looked beyond tacky to me so I've just stuck with the classic look. Plus I feel like I shouldn't be wasting memory on transparent windows that don't do anything. I guess I'm a little crazy like that.
>> No. 2100 [Edit]
File 129425516471.jpg - (46.79KB , 1152x864 , Clipboard03.jpg )
>> No. 2101 [Edit]
File 129425807528.png - (235.36KB , 1024x768 , untitled.png )
>> No. 2102 [Edit]
File 129425843979.jpg - (378.55KB , 1400x1050 , bck.jpg )
I change it pretty often
>> No. 2103 [Edit]
File 129425970247.png - (1.14MB , 1600x900 , Untitled.png )
Waking up to a faceful of Horo is the best start to the day I can think of
>> No. 2104 [Edit]
File 129426194253.jpg - (261.01KB , 1280x800 , Reindeer chick.jpg )
>> No. 2105 [Edit]
File 129426209120.jpg - (359.66KB , 1680x1050 , Untitled.jpg )
Need to finish that remix one day.
>> No. 2106 [Edit]
File 129426276480.jpg - (280.98KB , 1365x768 , desktop.jpg )
Turning on my laptop to be greeted by this beautiful picture of my waifu is the highlight of my day.

Also, I can't stand having icons on my desktop.
>> No. 2109 [Edit]
File 129427008929.jpg - (210.52KB , 1680x1021 , desktop2011-01-05.jpg )
Some filenames obscured to protect the innocent.
>> No. 2110 [Edit]
File 12942704879.jpg - (388.44KB , 2240x900 , Desktop 7.jpg )
Something simple. Sort of.
>> No. 2111 [Edit]
Who's that in the trash!?
>> No. 2113 [Edit]
File 129427142372.jpg - (9.31KB , 190x456 , rininabin.jpg )
Rin you silly.
>> No. 2114 [Edit]
File 129427686041.png - (1.03MB , 1680x1050 , MakesYouAllWAKUWAKU.png )
Almost as exciting as freed.
>> No. 2115 [Edit]
File 129427762554.jpg - (2.16MB , 3360x1050 , daskterp.jpg )
Rocketdock makes me feel like a macfag, but it keeps everything organized.
>> No. 2117 [Edit]
File 129428403972.png - (74.64KB , 3120x1050 , dusktarp 2011 edition.png )
>> No. 2124 [Edit]
File 129433001590.png - (4.06MB , 1920x1080 , Desktop.png )
My desktop was in need of a good clean. (´・ω・`)
>> No. 2139 [Edit]
File 129444254147.jpg - (144.54KB , 1920x1080 , Clipboard01.jpg )
What were you running in the top left corner?
>> No. 2161 [Edit]
File 129463158379.png - (2.85MB , 2388x766 , desktop-laptop.png )
>> No. 2179 [Edit]
Rainmeter. I'd upload the skins that I'm using somewhere but I'm too lazy to do so at the moment.
>> No. 2197 [Edit]
File 129466402417.png - (1.28MB , 1152x864 , Screenshot.png )
My computer fucked itself again, so I'm stuck with this OS at the moment, but you got to work with what you got.
>> No. 2233 [Edit]
File 12947157339.png - (5.20MB , 3280x1080 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
File 12970658668.jpg - (853.59KB , 2960x1050 , desu ka.jpg )
Bump. Now with tiny waifu icons.
>> No. 2993 [Edit]
File 129712386578.jpg - (1.89MB , 2970x1680 , ricer.jpg )
>Plus I feel like I shouldn't be wasting memory on transparent windows that don't do anything. I guess I'm a little crazy like that.
Fuck graphical user interfaces. If you don't use a command-line OS, you don't know SHIT about anime.
>> No. 3298 [Edit]
File 129821985156.png - (3.09MB , 2640x1024 , desktop.png )
I guess my main computer has long since been set back up after reformatting. Taskbar is on the secondary cause the primary switches between my primary monitor and a TV for my consoles. The backgrounds rotate because lolpirating.

Thanks to Natsume for telling me about DisplayFusion and for whipping up a couple 1360x768 backgrounds for my primary monitor.
>> No. 3373 [Edit]
File 129836953785.png - (2.76MB , 2880x900 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 3745 [Edit]
File 129978712065.jpg - (286.66KB , 2464x900 , Desktop.jpg )
Reviving thread with a revised desktop.
Now with 110% more witty commentary and 10% more subtle Hidamari Sketch references.
>> No. 3750 [Edit]
i use windows xp with the windows 95 theme
your desktops are for pussies
>> No. 3751 [Edit]
i use xp with the default blue background and all my crap dumped in the desktop
>> No. 3760 [Edit]
I like how the time of these screenshots is always between midnight and 9am for most folk. /tc/ is full of night lurkers.
>> No. 3777 [Edit]
File 12998101146.png - (5.53MB , 3200x1080 , deliciouspurple.png )

This is my delicious purple sunset desktop not giving a fuck.
>> No. 3781 [Edit]
File 129981174152.jpg - (598.01KB , 2960x1050 , desu ka.jpg )
Behind girls looking off into the distance.
>> No. 4066 [Edit]
File 13001580863.png - (1.43MB , 1280x800 , 2011-03-14--1300157968_1280x800_scrot.png )
It's sort of bland.
>> No. 4481 [Edit]
File 130095651628.png - (59.49KB , 1680x1050 , hurr.png )
>> No. 4549 [Edit]
File 130116918352.png - (569.30KB , 1024x600 , badcoder.png )
I am an organized person.
>> No. 4563 [Edit]
File 130127215012.jpg - (432.10KB , 1920x1080 , Capture.jpg )
One of my 30 or so backgrounds
>> No. 4564 [Edit]
I feel like I should recognize a lot more of those legs than I do.
>> No. 4622 [Edit]
I was only recognize 8, a few there don't really have much to go on, namely chizuru in the top left and lisa on the top right.
The one on the very bottom is tagged as Asakura Nemu on danbooru, but I really don't think that's her.
>> No. 4625 [Edit]
I only recognized 4
>> No. 5288 [Edit]
File 130272830762.png - (752.92KB , 1680x1050 , Bildschirmfoto.png )
>> No. 5291 [Edit]
File 130273170113.png - (1.22MB , 1366x768 , 13.png )
My laptop is my main system.
>> No. 5408 [Edit]
File 130301157323.jpg - (135.46KB , 1600x900 , desktop.jpg )
I try to keep it simple.
>> No. 5411 [Edit]
File 130301574018.png - (1.02MB , 1680x1050 , whydidmygoodmonitorhavetodiewhytohnochanwhy.png )
What my desktop usually looks like these days.
>> No. 5412 [Edit]
File 130302588820.jpg - (250.02KB , 1600x900 , inadequate.jpg )
It is very unappealing.
>> No. 5414 [Edit]
File 130303044398.jpg - (30.42KB , 1440x900 , computer_desktop.jpg )
I don't know why, but lately having a desktop without a lot on it has been appealing. It's not that my computer couldn't handle a riced-out desktop, I just think this is pretty in its own way. Relaxing.
>> No. 5419 [Edit]
File 130303415511.jpg - (234.36KB , 1920x1080 , the worst.jpg )
I have so much crap on here, I am the worst at organizing.
>> No. 5421 [Edit]
File 130304906069.jpg - (119.51KB , 1024x768 , стол.jpg )
But you are much better than me.
>> No. 5422 [Edit]
>цитата из библии

You religious?
>> No. 5425 [Edit]
File 13030613375.jpg - (230.53KB , 1280x1024 , Dibujo.jpg )
>> No. 5426 [Edit]
Yes, I am. I'm Orthodox Christian.
>> No. 5427 [Edit]
As am I.
Православие или смерть.
>> No. 5429 [Edit]
File 130306438290.jpg - (29.75KB , 600x450 , Пингвины.jpg )
And where are You from? I'm from Moscow

Встретить единоверца в таком специфическом месте - настолько же приятно, насколько и неожиданно.
>> No. 5430 [Edit]
Oh I'm not Russian. Greetings from Bulgaria. We might not be the best ally, but we sure had some similar adventures with the whole communist thing back in the day.
>> No. 5431 [Edit]
Ah, never mind. We have similar adventures through all our history. So I'm rather happy to see an Orthodox Bulgarian here, где половина не знает кириллицу. And personally I've studied a lot about Balkans. Because it is wonderful to know that there are other nations that are just like our - in faith, language, culture, history... I know that the Bulgarian grammar is very different from Russian. But it's so easy to understand Bulgarian text! (Thanks, no 10 cases like in Serbian)I hope Russian is equally easy for Bulgarian.

And I saw your prime-minister Stanishev IRL ^_^

А у Вас уже была Пасха?
>> No. 5538 [Edit]
File 13032916138.jpg - (93.45KB , 1680x1050 , desktop.jpg )
Finally got my shit together and cleaned my desktop.
>> No. 5565 [Edit]
File 130333735450.jpg - (840.35KB , 2960x1048 , keionbudesukutoppu.jpg )
>> No. 5771 [Edit]
File 130375045660.jpg - (605.80KB , 3360x1050 , wallpaper.jpg )
Matching colour scheeeeeeemes.
>> No. 5851 [Edit]
File 130398270942.png - (542.17KB , 1920x1080 , s.png )
>> No. 5875 [Edit]
File 130409017140.jpg - (282.16KB , 1920x1080 , Untitled.jpg )
>> No. 5879 [Edit]
File 130411021093.png - (671.98KB , 1024x768 , Screenshot.png )
>> No. 5901 [Edit]
File 130414158819.png - (353.22KB , 1280x800 , snapshot5.png )
>> No. 5911 [Edit]
File 130416314636.jpg - (856.55KB , 2560x1440 , 2010-12-30-357956.jpg )
Sauce is Yuki.

TLnote: Yuki means moe.
>> No. 5912 [Edit]
File 130416381811.jpg - (770.07KB , 1920x1080 , destap.jpg )
Same old.
>> No. 5920 [Edit]
nice OS.
Is that the CPU temperature or do you live in a really hot country?
>> No. 5955 [Edit]
File 130424054146.jpg - (212.08KB , 1280x1024 , screenshot.jpg )
I prefer having a picture bordered by black rather than a "full" wallpaper. It feels cleaner.
>> No. 6021 [Edit]

Just the CPU temperature, thankfully.
>> No. 6279 [Edit]
File 130455067712.jpg - (843.76KB , 1920x1080 , anon.jpg )
>> No. 6348 [Edit]
File 130470346082.png - (0.96MB , 1680x1050 , desktop.png )
>> No. 6368 [Edit]

I uh, like your wallpaper.
>> No. 6416 [Edit]
File 130474591382.jpg - (595.88KB , 1600x1000 , remilia_scarlet.jpg )
>> No. 7489 [Edit]
sauce on the vn?
>> No. 7491 [Edit]
G-Senjou no Maou
>> No. 7505 [Edit]

Asking for source is probably fine around here but at least spell it correctly, please.
>> No. 7564 [Edit]
File 130656941465.jpg - (618.77KB , 1440x900 , Untitled.jpg )
>> No. 7790 [Edit]
File 130696632524.jpg - (836.34KB , 2960x1050 , dt.jpg )
>> No. 7802 [Edit]
I feel stupid for not noticing this sooner, but
>Listens to Funeral Diner
>Watches PreCure
You just might be the most well rounded person I have ever met.
>> No. 8207 [Edit]
File 13079192707.jpg - (239.89KB , 1920x1080 , can_it_can_it.jpg )
It just can't be helped, now on Windows 7.

Took me a few days to get it to look and feel like my good old XP thanks to a few tweaks and programs such as Classic Shell but I still dislike the file explorer greatly and the overall design decisions. Other than that, it's Windows.
>> No. 8208 [Edit]
yeah file explorer on 7 sucks hard, I can't understand why they would take away the ability to manually sort files.
How I wish there was a way to make it like xp.
>> No. 8209 [Edit]
It took me a while to get used to, but the Win7 interface is a lot faster when you do get used to it.

If XP was as widely supported, I probably wouldn't switch back because of the audio mixer and the new show desktop feature (though Win+D is a lot faster and I usually use that).
>> No. 8256 [Edit]
Oh Haruhi yes, I love the new audio mixer. Pretty much everything is routed to "wave", so it's nice to be able to volume control every individual program. Though when using a recording program, I can't select "wave out" or something to that effect, it only allows me to use my line in or mic, so I use XP for that.
>> No. 8259 [Edit]
File 130795435164.png - (1.15MB , 1919x1079 , mydesktopcantbethiscute.png )
I'm not sure why windows printscreens it in 1919x1079, or why it looks a little orange, but here you go.
>> No. 8260 [Edit]
>that album
Fuck yeah, brohno! There's some great songs in there.
>> No. 9401 [Edit]
File 131146523162.jpg - (595.90KB , 2880x1200 , desuku.jpg )
>> No. 9406 [Edit]
File 131148634435.png - (1.05MB , 1024x600 , Wallpaper Summer 2011.png )
Someday I will have a real computer.
>> No. 9407 [Edit]
File 131148810966.jpg - (103.23KB , 1360x768 , desktop.jpg )
>> No. 9408 [Edit]
File 131150408637.jpg - (116.75KB , 1280x800 , Clipboard01.jpg )
>> No. 9431 [Edit]
File 131165215249.png - (1.03MB , 1280x800 , dontjudgeme.png )
I really like this wallpaper for some reason.
Also, I'm not a hipster. Not. At. All.
>> No. 9432 [Edit]
File 13116562275.png - (277.32KB , 1600x900 , Sem Título.png )
>> No. 9522 [Edit]
File 131190769883.png - (1.31MB , 1280x800 , 2011-07-29-093543_1280x800_scrot.png )
almost barren if there's no app running
>> No. 9789 [Edit]
File 131317628389.png - (4.82MB , 3286x1080 , Untitled.png )
>> No. 9795 [Edit]
File 13132005293.jpg - (682.79KB , 1024x600 , scrot.jpg )
New netbook
>> No. 9803 [Edit]
File 131324559461.png - (97.56KB , 1024x768 , screennny.png )
This is the extent of my customization. I made a midnight commander theme, and a Music on Console theme. I never use MC though, and I use MOC on drop down/quake style console, so it is always at easy access.

I've considered using a tile based wm, but I only ever have 1 window open at a time, and I don't want to fiddle getting it to work.

If there is one thing I've learned as a linux user, it is don't fix what is not broken, so I've decided to not accidently break my system for the 100th time and then need to fix it.
>> No. 9813 [Edit]
File 131334780772.png - (331.76KB , 1365x765 , my desktop.png )
I got a new laptop here is my desktop
>> No. 10390 [Edit]
File 131644966666.png - (409.59KB , 1920x1200 , screenFetch-2011-09-19_19-22-54.png )
>> No. 11324 [Edit]
File 132058987758.png - (1.89MB , 1920x1080 , 2011-11-06-131135_3840x1080_scrot.png )
Moved from another topic.

"The lack of any windows on the screen is because I use xmonad, it's a tiling window manager which makes the mouse absolutely unmandatory."

Yes, the wallpaper is from the internet, but slightly modified (3 differences).
>> No. 11325 [Edit]

Here's the same window manager with windows on it.
>> No. 11326 [Edit]
File 132058994127.png - (191.03KB , 1920x1080 , 2011-11-06-131951_3840x1080_scrot.png )

Here's the manager with windows on them.
>> No. 11327 [Edit]
File 132059194893.jpg - (289.35KB , 1280x1024 , ss.jpg )
Upgraded, I'm now running Archlinux with LXDE, and I'm thinking of switching to i3 or another tiling wm.
>> No. 11329 [Edit]
xchat is cool but you should really be using irssi if you use Linux.
>> No. 11331 [Edit]

Or I could use mIRC with Wine. In other words, I'm not planning to change that habit. Sorry. ;_;
>> No. 11332 [Edit]
File 132059763524.png - (3.09MB , 1680x1050 , Untitled-1.png )
My Windows system, where the music production takes place.

I'd screenshot my FreeBSD system but I'm too lazy.
>> No. 11334 [Edit]
What do you use to make music?
>> No. 11350 [Edit]
Where is she from?
>> No. 11417 [Edit]
File 132086680447.png - (187.63KB , 1920x1200 , screenFetch-2011-11-09_21-20-08.png )
Changed colors, can't decide if I should replace solarized with them.

>> No. 11433 [Edit]
File 132095975540.png - (1.95MB , 1366x768 , desktop111011.png )
Nothing spectacular. I like my wall though.
>> No. 11459 [Edit]
File 132109471497.jpg - (448.00KB , 2960x1050 , Screenshot-2011-10-19_23_54_52.jpg )
Kind of old.
>> No. 11463 [Edit]
File 132113412191.jpg - (140.45KB , 693x861 , good work.jpg )
I hope nobody hates me after this as I will mostly point out stuff that irritates me.

RIcemeter, blurry wallpaper

Love wallpapers, but ‘overclocking’, rainmeter and gradient in taskbar looks bad.

Windows XP/10

Quite good, but could change taskbar color.


Could have been better without text.

>Firefox icon on desktop and also in quick launch bar
I generally dislike icons on desktop, also that album art image looks useless but I like your wallpaper so it can’t be helped.

Horrible background color and too big icons, but otherwise it’s good.

I dislike your wallpaper and font rendering.

It doesn’t look good, but at least it’s practical.

Blurry wallpaper, you could place icons around window at least they wouldn’t mess up wallpaper too much.


>Internet Explorer pinned
But I like Horo.

Nice wallpaper.

Hat trading simulator/10

Why would you keep so many files on desktop?

Can’t really find anything to dislike, but you could disable smallest monitor because with that size it’s almost useless.

Kinda nice but I dislike those eyes.

>Mismatched icons in dock
>Two launchers on one screen

You have nice wallpapers though.

I like it.

Great wallpaper, but that faggot in lower-left corner irritates me.

Blurry wallpaper and moon stands out too much.

>Too many launchers/docks
>Horrible transparency.

You could have posted those desktops separately as now they do look too different on each side and that irritates me.


Good wallpapers but gradient on taskbar looks bad as it mismatches wallpapers color.

Left wallpaper is too flashy and you’re still using ugly ricemeter skin.

>MAL Updater
Do you need bandwidth graph and transparent windows, it’s hard to read.
That X icon is annoying when program is called Ychat.

>Internet Explorer
Right wallpaper just feels wrong, especially that gradient between image and RM logo. I like left wallpaper though.

I like wallpapers, but do you really need all those foldes on desktop?


But that sunset isn’t purple, only your taskbar is.

Again your wallpapers are good, but rainmeter is cramped in one corner, spread it out it will look better.

Panel is too big and conky looks useless. With so small screen you should use tiling wm.

I like it.

I believe I don’t even need to point out why would I hate it.

Looks great.

Spread those icons on top panel correctly or don’t do it at all.

I like it, but you should vector that wallpaper.

It’s good, but why do you need two clocks? Choose one.

It’s better than previous but with that winamp skin you shoulve have placed player on right side otherwise it looks wrong, and hide playlist when you don’t need it.

You could hide icons on desktop and move music folder somewhere else.

I dislike that shade of blue, but otherwise it’s good.

Why do you need all that crap on desktop?

Start button looks horrible, but at least you have arranged icons on desktop nicely and I like your wallpaper.

Why would you use such a horrible wallpaper?

With this wallpaper your rainmeter does not look so out of place.

Same as your previous desktop. You have good taste for wallpapers, but as now rss feed is almost invisible you could as well remove it.

>24 and 12 hour clock
Why do you need both?

I don’t like your terminal background or wallpaper if it’s transparent.

It’s nice desktop, but there’s two launchers again and those icons are overused.

Clearlooks theme looks bad with anything.

KDE looks horrible as always.

You could arrange those icons so they don’t cover anyone.

You could divide those icons evenly on both sides

Good wallpaper, but get rid of those widgets.

I like your wallpaper, but I can’t decipher what are you using - Windows 7, KDE or some other DE. That’s very annoying

That fucking logo on wallpaper.

Network monitor is too close to her head.


Cute wallpaper, but that dock is not.

Rainmeter is placed better, but I don’t like left wallpaper.

That’s horrible.

Classic skin would look better.

Good wallpaper, ugly dock.

Can you even read that blue text? Get your .Xdefaults together.

Good desktop.

>Conky with a tiling WM
Why do you need transparent terminal?

Cute wallpaper, but you should hide unused desktops in awesome.

Great wallpapers, but you ruined your desktop with pink borders and ricemeter.

Nice wallpaper.

Why pink?

>Broken shortcut on desktop
You should make wallpaper smaller and bigger black borders.

My previous desktop. Lacks contrast and her shoulder looks deformed even if it should be correct.

Binary on wallpaper looks retarded.
You could at least use custom color scheme as your desktop is dark that white terminal and no gtk theme hurts my eyes.

Looks decent, can’t judge wallpaper as I can’t see it.

Looks good.

My current desktop. Switched from Solarized colors because they lacked contrast but now I need to change theme for everything else but it feels as it will lack contrast again if I do it.

>Pinned WMP and IE
Too much colors and rainmeter feels out of place.

Much better than your previous ones and your wallpaper looks great across both monitors, but in windows explorer selected item would look better with solid color.

I hope I didn't miss anyone
>> No. 11464 [Edit]
Why did you write all that
>> No. 11465 [Edit]
maybe he was bored
>> No. 11466 [Edit]
File 132113788119.jpg - (256.32KB , 1680x1050 , desktoppp.jpg )
omg omg do mine next
>> No. 11473 [Edit]
I choose that color because I had trouble interpretting just what color it was, I knew it was pink-ish, but it just seemed different from other pinks, I've since changed it to white though, but it was neat enough that I saved the color so I can switch back when ever I want.
>> No. 11493 [Edit]
For a second there I thought I was on /g/.
>> No. 11499 [Edit]

Is that what the cool kids on /g/ call dual monitors these days?
>> No. 11501 [Edit]
File 132126488957.jpg - (124.09KB , 633x498 , ehehehe.jpg )
Actually you just had more than one clock.
>> No. 11502 [Edit]
Oh, I knew I was overthinking it....
>> No. 11513 [Edit]
File 132128081923.png - (932.05KB , 1440x900 , drtfcmnj.png )
>> No. 11531 [Edit]

What's wrong with winamp?
>> No. 11549 [Edit]
File 132144750088.png - (5.99MB , 3200x1200 , Untitled.png )
I usually have loli's for a wall but oh well.
>> No. 11551 [Edit]
File 132148246817.png - (78.38KB , 1600x900 , Untitled.png )
Not much changed.
>> No. 11552 [Edit]
>That X icon is annoying when program is called Ychat.

Ychat is the name automatically used for unofficial builds of Xchat released under GNU. The original version is propriety, but the source is open for modification.
>> No. 11553 [Edit]
File 132148361918.jpg - (505.53KB , 1280x1024 , desktop.jpg )
I hate having icons on my desktop. It annoys me.
>> No. 11555 [Edit]
File 132148480093.png - (1.54MB , 1280x800 , desktopscreen172011.png )
I use Lubuntu, well because I like minimal & and my pc specs aren't great. But I like it
>> No. 11822 [Edit]
File 132331190338.png - (1.91MB , 1440x900 , 2011-12-08-113804_1440x900_scrot.png )
>> No. 21180 [Edit]
File 13641168175.jpg - (706.99KB , 1920x1080 , desk.jpg )
Rise from your grave.
>> No. 21202 [Edit]
File 13641814919.png - (1.70MB , 1600x900 , desktop.png )
Posting in an old as dirt thread!
>> No. 21218 [Edit]
File 136421080513.jpg - (305.81KB , 1920x1080 , スクリーンショット - 2013年03月25日 - .jpg )
oh hi, I see I'm not the lone Linux user here
>> No. 21255 [Edit]
File 136428295219.jpg - (342.61KB , 1280x800 , Sem título.jpg )
No bully, please.
>> No. 21290 [Edit]
File 136443616582.png - (395.74KB , 480x800 , Screenshot_2013-03-28-02-41-10.png )
my phone
>> No. 21310 [Edit]
File 136449328889.png - (1.80MB , 1280x1024 , Untitlded.png )
This is my current desktop, I think it's ok but don't have much better I can do. I don't care though, simple and looks pretty nice.
>> No. 21321 [Edit]
File 136457355667.jpg - (1.12MB , 1910x1073 , 1231223.jpg )
>> No. 21323 [Edit]
File 136457620861.png - (312.28KB , 1280x1024 , desktop.png )
Copypasted most settings for Openbox/Tint2 from Crunchbang with minor alterations.
>> No. 21333 [Edit]
cool,ha ha, reminds me of good times.

I had Composition 8 as my background for so long it caused screen burn. (and I only loved the monitor more when I started to notice the burn.)

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