I screencap stuff from anime because I don't know how to put words on images myself, so I wait until someone says something I want to have as words on an image and save that screenshot for future use.
Please don't ever learn because adding words to an image makes it worse and lowers the quality of the image itself by adding unnecessary commentary. It's uncouth material for lesser beings.
I wonder why people here get so anal about image macros, but don't have any problem with screencaps with subs.
>>20607 Those are both entirely different things
>>20608 how so? they're both images someone slapped some text onto.
>>20609 One is a picture with a shitty meme someone put on it, one is a picture with what the characters are saying put on it. Does this really need to be explained to you?
>>20610 yes, please explain in more detail.
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