No. 20478
yes, from the article:
>"Lots of guys, 20s or so, can't get it up anymore with a real girl, and they all relate having a serious porn/masturbation habit."
Guys can't get it up to real women, and turn to porn. Any rational person would look at this at least consider the idea that there is something wrong with the women, but the article wasn't written by a rational person, it was written by a women. The idea that maybe the guys don't find the women attractive, seems like it couldn't be further away from this person's mind. To them, if a guy prefers porn over a real women, clearly the porn is the problem.
I do think they're right about porn fucking with people's minds, This community is a perfect place to see it's effects, it's full of people who masturbate to porn all day Just for example take >>11637
>"I personally find vanilla H-doujins to be much more offensive, largely because of how fundamentally boring they are. 'Making love' doesn't even factor into them. It's all just crushingly dull sex."
The more porn you consume, the more desensitize you'll get. so of course you're going to need more and more extreme porn to keep yourself satisfied, just like a drug. But I don't think it's right to cast the blame sololy on the men or the porn without at least considering the idea that women might not be trying to satisfy their men. Which to me would be no surprise. Women are fucking nasty these days, even by normals standards. and they have no reason to care when most men out there will take anything they can get. In the rare times I leave my home, I couldn't tell you how often I've see perfectly decent looking men whipped into submission by a loud mouthed obese wife. it's fucking sad is what it is, especially when they're being blamed for not finding these same women attractive.