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File 135998238128.jpg - (87.42KB , 1600x1071 , sepia.jpg )
20382 No. 20382 [Edit]
What is your favorite color?
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>> No. 20384 [Edit]
Black, like my soul.
>> No. 20386 [Edit]
It changes every day. Currently, probably purple or blue.

Black is not a color etc. etc.
>> No. 20387 [Edit]
>> No. 20389 [Edit]
File 136000736936.jpg - (2.32KB , 216x216 , Periwinkle.jpg )
Sure is teenagers in this thread.

I'll go with periwinkle because it's a funny word.
>> No. 20390 [Edit]
File 136000772292.jpg - (319.47KB , 1920x1200 , blue miku stage.jpg )
I like blue..
>> No. 20392 [Edit]
>Black is not a color etc. etc.
Maybe not for naive physicists, but tell that to designers...

For the matters of the thread (personal affinity), I think black, grey or white count perfectly fine as options.
>> No. 20393 [Edit]
I like greens and blues, so I guess cyan. Dark cyan though, bright colors hurt my eyes.
>> No. 20395 [Edit]
>> No. 20397 [Edit]
Crimson and Rose Quartz.
Silver is okay too.
>> No. 20398 [Edit]
What are those colors? Is there a cheatsheet for this stuff somewhere?
>> No. 20399 [Edit]
Just in case you want to get specific.
>> No. 20401 [Edit]
File 136001700589.png - (3.19KB , 298x299 , red.png )
All that red.
>> No. 20404 [Edit]
Crimson is not really my favourite as a colour, but it has such a nice-sounding name... I think I like blue-ish grey best, whatever that's called
>> No. 20406 [Edit]
>> No. 20409 [Edit]

5 star post.

I like purple and brown.
>> No. 21022 [Edit]
File 136313757493.jpg - (211.61KB , 450x338 , Blue-Orange-Silica-Gel.jpg )
At about the same proportion.
>> No. 21032 [Edit]
Cyan, magneta and all kinds of shades of grey.
>> No. 21034 [Edit]
>> No. 21035 [Edit]

Second would be blue, third green.

For clothing, I like white, black, or green. If I had a car I would want black or grey.

Rooms, I like in my triad of favourite colours. Deep reds, dark blues, and greens.
>> No. 21037 [Edit]
For the longest time, blue. Then I started to enjoy reds a lot more, but blue still remained at top. Now I have compromised with purple because that's the primary color of my waifu.

Pink is fine too.
>> No. 21044 [Edit]
Brown. Any shade of brown, really.
>> No. 21116 [Edit]
File 136377030227.jpg - (21.81KB , 275x440 , Cthugha.jpg )
Dark green and dark blue.
>> No. 23577 [Edit]
bump for new colors
>> No. 23580 [Edit]
Hooker's green.
>> No. 23583 [Edit]
File 139062630396.jpg - (269.51KB , 590x613 , 1285443771557.jpg )
>> No. 23597 [Edit]
File 139087102922.jpg - (189.91KB , 565x800 , c0e99bbaa296c7c2780741ff492dda12.jpg )
Green probably.
Beautiful green eyes are my weakness.
>> No. 23601 [Edit]
>green eyes are my weakness.

Might want to talk more about it here: >>12118
>> No. 23603 [Edit]
File 139088871292.jpg - (605.69KB , 850x1202 , sample_99a38eb6a0ca8ea1e1d6d4bf6bbe2364.jpg )
Looks like the last post was made over 2 years ago man. Not much of a discussion going on.
>> No. 23615 [Edit]
Red, because thats what me and my dad decided
>> No. 23619 [Edit]
I'm sorry that your dad is a commie.
>> No. 23621 [Edit]
My favourite colour is NSA data collection thread.
>> No. 23625 [Edit]
I-in that case, my favorite colors are red, white and blue. Yep, just the way Uncle Sam wants it to be.

I'm beginning to question the orthodoxy of my fellow netizens. It's worrisome. I hope you all find the true American path soon.
>> No. 23630 [Edit]
File 13917322818.png - (56.60KB , 3543x2480 , Japan_flag_-_variant.png )
I really like red over white but
I'll gladly go to a foreign land
To go and kill the yellow man
cause I was...

Born in the U.S.A.
>> No. 24867 [Edit]
my favorite color is green!
>> No. 24904 [Edit]

>> No. 24980 [Edit]
Outside, they would be the subtle gray of cloudy day, the dark, rich green of summer plants and corn/soybean, and the range of colors that illuminate the sky in a clear dusk or dawn.

Inside, I prefer any of the above colors with high saturation and contrasting tones, creating a silenced background and a loud foreground. In reality, my ideal is the contrast of white on black, with complementary colors being swapped.
>> No. 24981 [Edit]
File 140993055337.jpg - (9.52KB , 956x600 , color.jpg )
This colour, whatever its name is. It's the colour of my waifu's hair.
>> No. 24996 [Edit]
its called "blue"
>> No. 24997 [Edit]
File 141021983925.jpg - (39.75KB , 473x501 , 3253426234.jpg )
It only just looks blue, but it actually Dark Cerulean.
>> No. 24998 [Edit]
I really can't tell if you're a complete idiot or just trying to be "witty" by being a sarcastic assclown.
>> No. 24999 [Edit]
How hostile of you.
>> No. 25000 [Edit]
They reap what they sow.
>> No. 25001 [Edit]
It's similar to my desktop background.
>> No. 25002 [Edit]
Oh, you didn't know? Zero-effort lowercase shitposts are all the rage now!
>> No. 26273 [Edit]
3/4 Grey 1/4 Palish, greyish red

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