No. 20410
Penguins are awesome. I'm really excited that my city's zoo is building a big penguin exhibit that will be finished this year. I love how they're slow, awkward, and funny on land, but in the water they're fast as shit with seemingly no effort.
My favorite animals are probably corvids. The video I posted is from an experiment where a new caledonian crow displays metatool usage, which iirc hasn't been observed outside the realm of primates. All corvids, and ravens in particular, show many signs of suprising intelligence, and they're worth reading up on if you're into that sort of thing.
I'm fascinated by all sorts of animals, though. I like spiders a lot, and used to catch all sorts of large wolf spiders at the house I grew up in. Wolf spiders are neat because their eyes reflect light like a cat's or dog's, and they're easily found at night by shining a flashlight into undergrowth or dead leaves at night and looking for the tiny glowing eyes. I also think it's cool that spiders' legs have no muscle, and instead use blood pressure for movement.