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File 135853107059.jpg - (2.08MB , 3264x1836 , IMG_20130118_115717_399.jpg )
20122 No. 20122 [Edit]
I saw this poster today, and it really opened my eyes. Clearly by pirate stealing millions of anime DVDs from pirate servers we are stealing millions of dollars from the MPAA. Stop your thieving way's my brothers and you too can be reformed like I was.
>> No. 20123 [Edit]
No way! My thieving way's brothers can do whatever they please!

I would have said something serious, but I don't feel like starting an argument.
>> No. 20127 [Edit]
>downloading of intellectual property such as movies, television [...]
I would download a television if I could.
>> No. 20129 [Edit]
you cannot download a ca...
wait, maybe soon you'll can.
>> No. 20131 [Edit]
>hacked computers
I'm not sure I follow.
>> No. 20132 [Edit]
What I'm worried about is special interest groups using their influence in government to put a kibosh on 3D printers should they view it as a form of easily pirating real world material goods, which might have a large negative impact on our economy in their eyes.
>> No. 20133 [Edit]
Someone would still make them and distribute them somehow. You can't stop pirating. Just like how you can't stop someone from killing someone. It's always going to be there.
>> No. 20134 [Edit]
yeah you're probably right.
>> No. 20135 [Edit]
Maybe, in their minds, the main purpose of malware is to get a hold of 3rd party copyrighted material from the victims' computers.
>> No. 20136 [Edit]
By taking a photograph of that poster you have essentially stolen it.
>> No. 20137 [Edit]
Ever notice that anything that has an explanation with the words "plain and simple," neither really has a plain nor simple explanation?

Also fuck the MPAA. They're the thieves, and they can hardly be called victims. Never in human history has any organisation had as much control over the thoughts, minds, and opinions of the masses as the few elites in the MPAA and around Hollywood. That's why China is buying out Hollywood as much as it can, so it can get America on their side before it has economic collapse. Hollywood's pretty willing to sell itself to them, too.
>> No. 20138 [Edit]
>Ever notice that anything that has an explanation with the words "plain and simple," neither really has a plain nor simple explanation?

I've been trying to make /tc/ acknowledge this for years now. Good luck.
>> No. 20139 [Edit]
>Never in human history has any organisation had as much control over the thoughts, minds, and opinions of the masses as the few elites in the MPAA and around Hollywood.

I don't claim to be a history expert, but I thought one example of an organization having power like this is the church?
>> No. 20141 [Edit]
the church required converts, was at times incredibly unstable, had geographic and cultural obstacles, and was all around difficult to control, especially after infinitesimally fractionalising.

Media requires no converts, is incredibly stable, and has no geographical obstacles and is actively americanising other countries so they will overcome the cultural obstacles. And as long as a cause has money, it is incredibly easy to control.
>> No. 20143 [Edit]
Thanks, OP. I'm a changed girl.
>> No. 20144 [Edit]
>Never in human history has any organisation had as much control over the thoughts, minds, and opinions of the masses as the few elites in the MPAA and around Hollywood

citation needed
>> No. 20145 [Edit]
Bwahaha it's that thing! You are doing the thing! So clever!
>> No. 20146 [Edit]
Then why do I see dumb whitewash stuff like casting a white guy as the lead in that Haruhi-awful film Dragonball Evolution even though every other significant character was asian
>> No. 20147 [Edit]

Well, people used to believe cameras are used for stealing souls. Makes sense from a broader perspective.
>> No. 20221 [Edit]
some people hack a server and fill it with pirated software, kiddie porn, random shit like that
>> No. 20222 [Edit]
By "the church" you mean the Catholic/Orthodox church right? Hmmm,, yeah. Orthodox priests in Russia allowed all sorts of pagan shit to go on & Catholic priests did the same in Italy & Mexico & whatnot. The 'control' could be very loose.

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