Sad news folks, apparently Ken died recently. I don't have the full story yet, but I'll fill you all in when I get it.
the brightest stars burn out the fastest...
Do I have to return my otaku license if I don't know who this person is/was?
>>19129 you sick bastard
>>19130 Okay, fine, I googled it. Sorry for having a life outside ancient 4chan trollpasta.
>>19131 You'll still have to hand over your otaku license, sorry.
>>19132 Also your gun. We don't make the rules but we will enforce them
>>19131 Your other post could be excused but calling stuff like this ancient is just too much.
>>19134 2005 is internet-ancient.
Recently? I'm pretty sure he died in the Earthquake last year. Poor guy.
>>19136 He died defending a bus full of lolis from a giant dragon. He let the dragon eat him so he could kill it from the inside, but the burns from the stomach acid were too severe and he died shortly after the dragon.
>>19136 Where you heard that?
>>19137 I was a loli on the bus and I can confirm this
>>19139 You are not a loli anymore?
>>19140 Of course I still am, don't be an idiot
>>19141 There is no need to call me names, miss
>>19127 so....who is Ken?
>>19146 Some weaboo 4chan likes to make fun of.
>>19147 >>19147 There was something going on a few months ago with finding out who his wife was and ruining the whole joke.
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