No. 18780
Personally I check out things on occasion if they're popular becuase it might mean there's something good about it.
This season, everyone seems to love Chuunibyou but I had no interest in watching it. after about weeks into the show I finally said fuck it and tried checking it out to see what the big deal was, and I didn't really care for it. I don't really care if it's the popular thing all the cool kids around me are into, it's just not my bag, and this happens almost every season...
I like what I like, and I don't care if it's popular or not. I enjoy kids anime and don't expect anyone else to get in on it.
there are even things I completely hate that everyone and their mother loves, things that leave me feeling like I'm the only person on the planet that doesn't like them, but I still stick to my guns on it and I don't give one shit if it makes me a outcast, even in a place like this.
and yeah, I do think that even here people peer pressure each other into liking things, and people go with it just to fit in much of the time. I think sometimes being a individual means choosing to go with something even if it's popular. I have a ipod and use itunes, not becuase they're fashionable but becuase I tried the alternatives, winamp foobar ect, and I preferred itunes, that was a conscious decision on my part and guess what, I use windows! holy shit I must be a fucking normal fag right?!
I think forcing myself to use softwear, or anything just becuase people here don't think the alternative is cool, makes us guilty of the same bullshit we put down normals for.