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File 134627839543.jpg - (165.38KB , 1362x765 , 1321775359252.jpg )
16621 No. 16621 [Edit]
it seems like desuchan is kaput

r.i.p. /nagato/
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>> No. 16622 [Edit]
are you sure it's not just down?
>> No. 16623 [Edit]
they don't have a DNS entry anymore
>> No. 16624 [Edit]
Oh. I only used it for the trap board (even though the mod there was an idiot) but it's still a shame
>> No. 16626 [Edit]
It's a shame to see it go.

I only used it for it's /touhou/ board, but that was a long while ago.
>> No. 16630 [Edit]
Does anyone know what has happened to img.oneechan.org?
>> No. 16655 [Edit]
I can't seem to find 7chan.
>> No. 16656 [Edit]
I can still access it fine. Funny enough, I didn't even know it still existed
>> No. 16659 [Edit]
nobody wants to see that one
>> No. 16660 [Edit]
File 134653951231.png - (188.96KB , 600x450 , downtime.png )
Just some downtime, apparently
>> No. 16785 [Edit]
File 134693063028.png - (147.17KB , 760x813 , 5d7b3663be8fc15808f474a2616ed844.png )
I thought i was the only person in the world who visited /nagato/

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