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File 134233297775.gif - (77.32KB , 839x1363 , 1342311925362.gif )
15873 No. 15873 [Edit]
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>> No. 15875 [Edit]
Why the fuck would anyone order hard-copys of loli porn?

Post edited on 15th Jul 2012, 12:18am
>> No. 15896 [Edit]
Physically holding the shit is a fun feeling. The same reason people but physical books still, etc.

I know of a (chinese) canadian guy who did so from this chinese store he goes to in Vancouver
>> No. 15897 [Edit]
Physically holding the shit is a fun feeling. The same reason people but physical books still, etc.

I know of a (chinese) canadian guy who did so from this chinese store he goes to in Vancouver
>> No. 15900 [Edit]
Rika getting gangbanged?

This I do not approve of. If anyone does this, they should be executed by being drawn and quartered.
>> No. 15905 [Edit]
File 134251442271.jpg - (32.09KB , 346x584 , 1339377832188.jpg )
Pic related?
>> No. 15994 [Edit]
>that feeling when Maryland-er
I don't even plan to import loli or other Miller-test-objectionable material.

It's just sad that my state does this.
>> No. 15995 [Edit]
This state is truly terrible, isn't it.
>> No. 16009 [Edit]
I object to Maryland being called a terrible state. Frederick here.
>> No. 16010 [Edit]
Maybe life there is better than it is in Annapolis.

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