No. 21543
- (1.49MB
, 4000x1000
, desk area.jpg
Desk area of my current room which didn't show up to well in the previous image.
The cardboard box was something I have been using for a while now as a dinner table and sometimes work bench after all the stuff on the round black table started to build up.
I've only had that problem once so far with the stuff near the chair, it's fine as long as I don't move the chair over to the side. and yeah I probably should vacuum but whatever.
Thanks. I did have a job for a while, hard to say how long, also won some money from a casino with which I bought that tv and other stuff.
manufactured obsolescence happened. They simply were not built to last. the material covering the couch started cracking away over time, I tried fixing it by super gluing the stuff in place when it cracked, but it would just go around where I glued. eventually I gave up fighting it and chunks just kept peeling off. Similarly, the stuff covering the chair gave out over time and split open or came undone. once unstuck, the chair material proved to be very thin and easy to rip.