/ot/ - Otaku Tangents
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14201 No. 14201 [Edit]
Are there any brohnos who live in Japan? Just curious.
>> No. 14203 [Edit]
I thought it was a pretty well known fact we all are 8-15 year old japanese girls
>> No. 14205 [Edit]
When I first started coming here a couple years ago I was living in Osaka for school/work.

The actual Japanese traffic we get is pretty tiny. You can view the stats here: http://s08.flagcounter.com/detail7/jp/3741
>> No. 14206 [Edit]
Used to, when I was about six years old. My dad was in the US Navy and he was the XO on a ship stationed in Yokosuka at the time.

Can't really say it was pleasant.
>> No. 14208 [Edit]

Take those emoteicons elsewhere.
>> No. 14209 [Edit]
oh you
>> No. 14211 [Edit]
It's a goal, and I will still be posting here if the site still exists.
>> No. 14217 [Edit]


>> No. 14228 [Edit]
No, we all are 7-16 year old state-less girls.

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