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File 133126039529.jpg - (317.00KB , 610x450 , 15a.jpg )
13777 No. 13777 [Edit]
The anniversary of the Sendai disaster is coming up in a few days and you'll soon probably be inundated with a good amount of related information. I caught this spread of before & after pics earlier today:
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>> No. 13778 [Edit]
File 133126042980.jpg - (320.40KB , 610x450 , 15b.jpg )
>> No. 13779 [Edit]
That's the second time in a row I expected a Shinden post and was let down.
>> No. 13781 [Edit]

Maybe he's posting as anonymous now.
>> No. 13782 [Edit]
I was waiting until the 11th in Japan but whatever.
>> No. 13817 [Edit]
Still, it's been a year, and they've kept on gambareing.

I remember being awake for a full 72 hours, watching NHK streams in two languages...
>> No. 13822 [Edit]
To me, it's better to forget about tragedies like this.
>> No. 14200 [Edit]
File 133339419132.gif - (212.79KB , 499x449 , pikachusurfingthewaves.gif )
too soon?

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