>>13376 Holy shit.
Wow, I hope that gets cleared up soon. Why would they even do this? What made LWB a target?Post edited on 20th Feb 2012, 11:17am
Remove Kebab.
>>13382 I think those Turkish guys are known to attack porn sites I remember they went after red tube years ago
>>13384 Ah, that makes sense
>>13384 Still seems a bit random to attack LWB because it is relatively obscure. Maybe they had some security issue which made cracking easier?
maybe they saw a particularly lewd doujin they translated
>>13392 Maybe it depicted the Turkish guy's waifu commiting lewd acts. He took his revenge on the site immediately.
My Hapsburg-allied blood is boiling.
>>13412 But Austria has always been friendly with Kebab Turks. During the great war and long before then, that even Mozart dedicated a composition to them.
>>13414 Not really. Austrians stopped Turks from conquering Europe few times and acted as main opposing force to Ottomans some time when French tried to work with them. It could be also argued Mozart's composition and other interest in Turkey was merely orientalism and had little to do with actual Turkey.
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