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12684 No. 12684 [Edit]
Given one wish, how could you use the wish to maximise the benefit to mankind and the world? No wishing for more wishes. You can also only wish for one concept/entity/thing. For example, "A car and a pizza"- not acceptable. "A car with a special machine attached that produces pizzas"- acceptable. And don't just say world peace, thats just cheap, surely there are far better things which you can think of.

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>> No. 12685 [Edit]
a car with a special machine attached that produces pizzas for everyone in the world (it also uses pizza for fuel)
>> No. 12686 [Edit]
A car with a special machine attached that kills all mankind. I hate humans, I hate nature, I hate the world.
>> No. 12687 [Edit]
The ability to manipulate time at will.

I could use the ability to quickly amass large amounts of wealth, and although that might seem selfish, in reality, money is power, and the more money you have, the more control you have over the world, take politics for example, the mostly likely to win presidential candidate is usually the one with the most financial backing/support.
If you were the richest man in the world, you could easily change things for the better, or for the worse if you wanted.
whole countries can be and have been bought and sold to the highest bidder.
heck, you can every buy up every corporation, and change their polices it ways that aren't so derogative to society.
like for example, buying a major record label and requiring them to only play clean music, with none of this heavy metal or gangster rap stuff anymore.
you could even take over corporations with the soul purpose of running them into the ground, like with cigarette manufactures.
not to mention spreading the wealth to the poor, feeding the hungry, rebuilding dilapidated cities, funding initiatives that would help mankind and so on.

It's not just money though, with the ability to control time, you can prevent disasters.
it would also help a lot in keeping you alive when others with power who feel threatened by you and decide to have you killed.
just keep the slow mode on when out in the open, and you can see any sniper bullets flying your way, any cars trying to run you off the road or rewind time once your plane 'accidentally' starts going down, so you can chose not to take it.
and of course it would help predict your opponents moves who try to fight back in less direct ways, like trying to frame you for crimes.
gotta stay alive to see the project through to the end after all.
>> No. 12688 [Edit]
>take politics for example, the mostly likely to win presidential candidate is usually the one with the most financial backing/support.

I saw this recently, which contradicts that idea: http://www.freakonomics.com/2012/01/17/how-much-does-campaign-spending-influence-the-election-a-freakonomics-quorum/

>buying a major record label and requiring them to only play clean music, with none of this heavy metal or gangster rap stuff anymore.

okay, so your ideal world involves book burning in Nazi Germany. just because you cant accept that different people like different things and something you hate may not really be the worst thing ever invented.
>> No. 12689 [Edit]
>> No. 12690 [Edit]
Make mai waifu real so I could be happy. I don't believe anyone else would bother to make me happy, I don't see why I should care about them. If it's mandatory, you can't make everyone happy with a wish, at least one person should be enough, and in this case it's me.

Another good idea would be some kind of guilt that stacks until it kills you. Like committing crimes makes you sicker and debilitated. If you do something like murder someone, you explode or something. It'd be hard to see what goes for it since a lot of things are crimes by government law like copyright, rather than real crime.
>> No. 12691 [Edit]
>just because you cant accept that different people like different things and something you hate may not really be the worst thing ever invented.
I don't agree with him as I actually like metal and rap, but I don't see what's wrong. I you had a wish I'm sure you'd go for something that suits your ideals as well. I would anyways.
>> No. 12692 [Edit]
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>> No. 12694 [Edit]
Kill Facebook.
>> No. 12695 [Edit]
Wish everyone was educated and recognized their own destructive behavior.
>> No. 12696 [Edit]
I'd wish for a master key that opened all locks in the world. Even electronic locks.
>> No. 12697 [Edit]
This. Or should I say "reason".
>> No. 12698 [Edit]
I would erase the knowledge of nuclear bombs from history. They seriously ruined war. There hasn't been a decent war since the end of WW2 because of them.

Let there be eternal war again, like before.
>> No. 12699 [Edit]
why is the wordfilter not working.
>> No. 12702 [Edit]
I changed it to something else, but I guess I broke it.

Suggestive themes of violence, destruction of privet and/or public property, rebelling against authority, whoring out women, rape, use of dangerous drugs, alcohol abuse, and encouraging other such morally rehensible behavior that only serves to feather degrade society as being 'cool'.
I should note that, it's not the music I find distructive to sociaty, it's the themes genraly depicted in those genres.
That is not to say other genres of music are exactly clean, most every genre has it's own share of trash, I simply used metal and rap and examples.
Most if not every branch of popular media has it's own share of filth.

saying things like "I personally like X thing, so getting rid of it is bad!" is no less a narrow minded idea, than what you claim mine to be.
Of course there are plenty of things I like which I'd be willing to sacrifice for a better world, such as violent video games.
I wonder..
If wanting to make the world a better place, by getting rid of "different things and something you hate" makes you a nazi.
what does that make people who would rather see the world burn and people suffer, so as to not lose different things and something you like?

Post edited on 30th Jan 2012, 12:05pm
>> No. 12707 [Edit]
I like your first idea a lot. I second that.

Not so sure about the other one.
>> No. 12708 [Edit]
>Of course there are plenty of things I like which I'd be willing to sacrifice for a better world, such as violent video games.
Does anyone actually believe violence in videogames causes violence in real life? Because that's retarded.
>> No. 12709 [Edit]
I would wish people weren't so narrow-minded.
>> No. 12710 [Edit]
Yourself included
>> No. 12711 [Edit]
What does the use of the word Nazi in your post even entail? Removing things you don't like is not exclusive to national socialism.
>> No. 12712 [Edit]
Haruhiwins law
>> No. 12714 [Edit]
>what does that make people who would rather see the world burn and people suffer, so as to not lose different things and something you like?

I would rather see freedom of speech prevail. I'm sure there are people who would like to have anime banned and burn all hug pillows.

Anyway your idea is ridiculous. The better way to stop rap music would be to go back in time and kill Grandmaster Flash and all other old school DJs when they were on the toilet. I think stopping metal would be even harder.

>I don't see what's wrong. I you had a wish I'm sure you'd go for something that suits your ideals as well.
No! Because I respect the rights of the people around me. Thats not to say I never do anything selfish but removing an entire genre is ridiculous.

On topic, I was going to suggest an unlimited free energy source because it would instantly solve some serious problems. But it would create new ones, basically giving every idiot a weapon of unlimited power.
>> No. 12715 [Edit]
Would wishing I was dead or transported to my ideal fantasy world be considered a benefit to mankind?
>> No. 12716 [Edit]

If you're not doing anything and only leeching off of society, then yes.
>> No. 12717 [Edit]
Then I wish for that!
>> No. 12718 [Edit]
>okay, so your ideal world involves book burning in Nazi Germany. just because you cant accept that different people like different things and something you hate may not really be the worst thing ever invented.

I'd rather not have to kill anyone.
but yes, stopping problems before they have a chance to development does indeed sound like a better idea than trying to stop something that is already up and running.

also, please stop abusing the term 'freedom of speech'
freedom of speech is nice, but so is the common sense it takes to know that it is not good to sing about and encourage the disgusting themes found in much of our media, when those forms of media are heavily influencing our society.
but you know, if freedom of speech has to suffer in order to get rid of some of the shit out there that encourages stuff like the 'thug life', then I really can't say I really care that much.
but hey, if you want freedom of speech so much, how would you feel if we removed all the word filters here, and let people talk about their boyfriends, use western emoticons, green text and what not all they want?
do they not also have the freedom to talk about such things?
we here are already filtering out what people say for the good of the community, and no one seems to be complaining about our infringing on their freedom of speech.

I do admit though that getting rid of the genres themselves is going to far, all that need be done is properly cancer or filter the content.
I knew people wouldn't like the idea, I don't much care, you can't please everyone, and most people are afraid of change.

also, I don't hear anyone calling the other ideas in this thread ridiculous, like pizza making cars fueled by pizza.

Post edited on 30th Jan 2012, 3:48pm
>> No. 12719 [Edit]
It would be a benefit to mankind, but the question in the OP asked how to MAXIMISE the benefit to mankind using your wish.
>> No. 12721 [Edit]
The limits of free speech are something that can be debated but very few people would agree with you that the line should be drawn at "Thug Life".
That type of music only exists because so many people are marginalized within our society. Even if you prevented the invention of gangsta rap it would be replaced by some other culture. Root causes are probably reaganomics, racial tension etc.

What about religion, do you think it has enough of a negative impact to on society to be considered for deletion? "Science has no place in politics", stem cell research, gay marriage, abortion, teaching evolution in schools etc.
>> No. 12722 [Edit]
a guy says he wishes the world was in an eternal war, nobody says anything to him. tohno says he wishes he could get rid of music he doesnt like, people argue with him about it.
>> No. 12723 [Edit]
Don't forget the guy that wished for 'A car with a special machine attached that kills all mankind.'
>> No. 12724 [Edit]
personally, I feel that killing all mankind would greatly limit free speech. lets have a 30 post long discussion about it
>> No. 12725 [Edit]
Thats probably because eternal war and a car that kills people is so outrageously ridiculous that its not worth bothering arguing about it, while Tohno's statement you can debate the pros and cons.

Anyway, let stop talking about this.
>> No. 12726 [Edit]
I dunno, some might argue that war is necessary for the advancement of mankind.
>> No. 12729 [Edit]
File 132797851720.jpg - (14.92KB , 220x293 , 220px-Friedrich_Nietzsche_drawn_by_Hans_Olde.jpg )
Those tend to be, in the best of cases, aristocratic nuts.
>> No. 12745 [Edit]
When I first saw this thread I thought about wishing for an alien invasion that would bring mankind together and end our petty disputes, a concept that has been explored in science fiction. Nice idea but I'm not sure if it works in real life. Maybe contact with benevolent aliens would achieve the same thing.
>> No. 12746 [Edit]
Yeah its probably true that war would advance humanity, but rather than have humans fight each other, it'd be better for mankind to fight united against aliens. I put forward the same question on another forum and someone suggested to wish for a global disaster that could completely annihilate mankind but could be averted through international collaboration to come every decade or so. This makes sense because only when external threats become greater than internal ones does cooperation become a better survival strategy than selfishness. This is something that is illustrated in biology time and time again- from people ceasing to bicker amongst themselves and beginning to work as a united nation during war, to the primitive cells which formed the first multi-celled organisms because they stood a better chance of survival banded together.
>> No. 12747 [Edit]
>someone suggested to wish for a global disaster that could completely annihilate mankind but could be averted through international collaboration to come every decade or so

its called global warming
>> No. 12749 [Edit]
Well then we're fucked.

Then again, global warming won't completely annihilate humanity, so maybe the urgency isn't great enough.
>> No. 12758 [Edit]
I don't really plan to argue with Tohno as I'm getting exposed to his random ragequit rants on IRC on regular basis and I know that arguing won't get me anywhere but...

>freedom of speech is nice, but so is the common sense it takes to know that it is not good to sing about and encourage the disgusting themes found in much of our media, when those forms of media are heavily influencing our society.

I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Stuff is made because there's demand for it.

Also, many consider it to be some form of relief - rather than go out and murder someone they'd rather watch a movie when people are reduced to nothing but dismembered corpses at an alarming rate. If that were gone we could be even worse off than we are now.

That's speculation of course but I knew it's true for me at least.

Ironically, I consider hamish's idea to be pretty much the best one in the thread (provided such a machine would be avaible to anyone in unlimited quantity and doesn't require some additional fuel/electricity or anything of the sort). That would really help us out A LOT.

Seriously though, as far as I can see the only way to actually deal with the problem is removing the factor that always fucks everything up and by that I mean mankind itself. I believe humans are fundamentally flawed and there's absolutely nothing that one can do about it.

There have been lots of great ideas that would benefit pretty much everyone (or at very least the vast majority) but nobody cared for one reason or another. I think the biggest problem is that people hate the idea of equality. They want to have some they could look down upon. Some (most?) would also preffer to have at least a few 'over' them, so that they can complain about stuff they allegedly have no control over. Some also want to aim for a higher social position - starting out at the very top means you can only fall.

I remember a guy saying children should not be taught that all religions are equal. He said that if that were the case then there would be no point in being religious at all which is why children should feel that their religion is superior to all others. It's probably more or less the same with people.
>> No. 12784 [Edit]
I would make myself absolute monarch of the world and use my power to exterminate my opposition, then assert myself as the rightful leader, chosen by the Heavens themselves. After that, I will cut military funding just enough so that we have security and focus on advancing technology, space exploration, and if there's something left over, I would use it to build colossal statues in my honour.

What? You mean you wouldn't do the same?
>> No. 12785 [Edit]
Actually, no, I wouldn't. Being the absolute ruler of mankind sounds like tons of work. Even if all you do is spend other people's hard-earned money and appoint ministers to do most of the real job for you.

I don't even know if I'd attempt anything. We're at where we're at today mostly because some people managed to exploit systems crafted(mostly) with the best intentions towards mankind and the world for their own benefit. And I don't think I'd come up with something less exploitable than what we have today.
If anything, I'd follow >>12715 's route and at least relieve local taxpayers and my family from another leech.
>> No. 12787 [Edit]
The OP picture makes me happy.
>> No. 12788 [Edit]
I wouldn't really sacrifice my only wish for mankind. Only thing I would wish is to get huge amount of money, use it to move somewhere deserted place but still having a fast internet connection and live there together just with my waifu.

Post edited on 1st Feb 2012, 9:31am
>> No. 12801 [Edit]
I would wish to live in the Star Trek universe.

As stated in TNG, all hunger and strife is obsolete. People just pursue their passions/hobbies all day every day.
>> No. 12826 [Edit]
Make no mistake, I wouldn't seek power to make this system less exploitable or more fair. Heck, I'd probably use a great deal of slave labour to achieve my ends.
>> No. 12831 [Edit]
You only need very basic laws. You could even say our current system that requires tremendous growth to even function is a necessary evil in order to reach a point like the anon above you described as the Star Trek universe.
Once we reach a singularity then we're in the clear. A damn shame for those who die without enjoying that utopia though.
>> No. 12883 [Edit]
To make my thoughts manifest themselves for others to see, and use this as my main communication means. I would be able to make any data and any details.

Like, I want a blue car with white racing stripes. I could put my hands on a computer and instantly make a detailed written description or make a 3D image of the car. If I wanted a picture of a cute girl in a dress petting rabbits, I could put my hand on the tablet and make it happen immediately. If I wanted an animated scene where that girl uses a lightsaber to cut an evil alien in half for wanting to eat the rabbits, I could make it happen.

I could become the greatest writer, animator and artist in the world, but I would wish to remain anonymous. I would only want people to appreciate what I created, not the person who created it. My work would be the Haruhi, I would be a false effortless idol if I were worshipped.

However I think this would be an issue because I may think of a picture I saw online and duplicate it without realising it and then I'd be a copyright infringer.

I guess my more simple-minded idea would have been to get the Space Battleship Yamato and a crew of lolis and go around the planet telling people to be kind to one another and not fight. But the whole one entity thing made me think a minute more. Thanks for that OP.
>> No. 12913 [Edit]

You should post on /9/ more. Heck, you aren't restricted to any topic so you can just write about anything.

I'm looking forward to it.

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