No. 12239
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Indeed... and, if you give enough credit to all this: what does it tells you, not just about your vision in general, but about every single experience of the world you've ever had?
That it's all, actually, virtual; it's all inauthentic and, hence, whatever you can possibly conclude from it, will be essentially false (in the actual -and inaccesible- world).
All the things you've been whitness of; all the people you've ever "known"; all the theories and models we construct about any phenomena wich are all ultimately based on some biasing and deceiving sensorial experience, are nothing but mirages: everything you've lived isn't all any less of an illusion than anything you had experienced sollely on your imagination; whatever you have felt outside isn't any more objective/real than, say, the feelings you've got from stories, characters and works of art: from frontal lies...
The analysis of the flat example of virtuality that constitutes a mirror, serves as a link to face this general condition of us.
"Nothing exists; all is a dream. Haruhi, man, the world, the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars: a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing exists save empty space -and you!... It is all a dream, a grotesque and foolish dream... [So] Dream other dreams, and better!"
-Mark Twain (The Mysterious Stranger)