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Pirate bay adds 3d objects, immediately used to pirate warhammer
>In a blog post The Pirate Bay said that physical objects ("physibles") represent "the next step in copying".
>"We believe that things like three dimensional printers, scanners and such are just the first step," the website said. "We believe that in the nearby future you will print your spare sparts for your vehicles. You will download your sneakers within 20 years.
>"The benefit to society is huge. No more shipping huge amount of products around the world. No more shipping the broken products back. No more child labour.
>"We'll be able to print food for hungry people. We'll be able to share not only a recipe, but the full meal. We'll be able to actually copy that floppy, if we needed one."
>And as soon as the Pirate Bay 'physibles' section launched, at least one company appeared to have been made a target.
>A model listed by an anonymous user as a 'Tabletop Wargaming Robot Model' - but identifiable to the Huffington Post UK as the likeness of a Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Dreadnought, which is a trademarked design of the UK-based Games Workshop Group PLC - was freely available and had already been downloaded by at least 23 people as of press time.
>The model, an official version of which costs £28 from Games Workshop, has been previously listed on a 3D printing community website, but the plans were reportedly pulled after a takedown notice was issued.