No. 11265
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A thin girl with long black hair attending an old Catholic all-girl's establishment. Since I was raised in a poor neighborhood I only managed to get in because my dear old honest parents scrimped and saved and put all their hopes on me to succeed.
Sadly, I think fate had other plans for me. My personality was by nature crude and rough because of the conditions in which I was brought up. All the refined girls make a mockery of me and constantly harass me and teachers single me out for punishment, but that is just the way things work in such a strictly hierachial environment. I didn't fit in with the old rich, the landed aristocracy with noble blood and country estates. I didn't fit in with the noveau riche, the girls whose fathers got rich doing business or industry. I didn't even fit in with the scholarship girls, brought in on 'good will' by the establishment for the sole purpose of shining academic prestige on them, the girls who were whipped and drilled and constantly reminded of the 'debt' they owed.
It must have been natural that I developed an abrasive personality and incredibly sarcastic manner of speech which seemed to compell me to commentate on things in the most inappropriate of circumstances. I got into fights a lot too- the teachers tend to turn a blind eye to this because they think it toughens the girls up- and I developed a bit of a reputation for my iron fist and dry wit. A few other outcasts seemed attracted to me for Haruhi knows what reason. And the higher-up girls, even though they probably hate me even more now, at least I seemed to garner some respect in their eyes. But I think this is all just to hide how scared and weak and sad I am inside. Sometimes when I'm alone in the dormitory at night, I think about what I've become, how I might've been so much happier if my parents just sent me to another school or even straight to work, and how disappointed they will be when they see what I have turned into.