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File 131717150683.jpg - (82.00KB , 395x313 , 1279949259194.jpg )
10663 No. 10663 [Edit]
<@Stalwart> I don't think we've had a saten thread
<@Stalwart> how can we call ourselves a chan without a saten thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 10664 [Edit]
File 131717194191.jpg - (39.41KB , 411x367 , Saten mock.jpg )
Took you long enough.
>> No. 10665 [Edit]
File 131717201381.jpg - (244.88KB , 512x512 , saten office.jpg )
>> No. 10666 [Edit]
File 131717210957.jpg - (13.01KB , 300x168 , misaka nekokao.jpg )
>> No. 10667 [Edit]
File 131717239520.jpg - (360.55KB , 1257x719 , saten_living_the_dream.jpg )
>> No. 10682 [Edit]
File 131733128458.jpg - (103.73KB , 375x500 , 1287942669360.jpg )
In case you haven't been following Saimoe, Saten is going up against Sakaya from Puella magi today.

If you have 3 or 4 free hours head over to www.animesaimoe.org/votingformat.html and vote for her
>> No. 10687 [Edit]
I would, but I get a 404 on the voting code.
>> No. 10692 [Edit]
File 131735934465.jpg - (472.97KB , 1339x918 , 1310877926488.jpg )
>> No. 10693 [Edit]
File 13173629178.jpg - (17.38KB , 480x270 , Saten close.jpg )
>> No. 10704 [Edit]
File 131740637622.png - (0.99MB , 723x1023 , etori Saten alone.png )
1st 519 Sayaka Miki
2nd 281 Kazari Uiharu
3rd 155 Ruiko Saten

Saten lost hardcore. ;_;
>> No. 10788 [Edit]
File 131790283915.png - (629.70KB , 1280x720 , uisa.png )
Last night I had a dream that I was flying around on a small bird thing, and landed outside the window of Saten's room.
Uiharu was sleeping over on a sleeping bag, and they opened the window for me to come in. I also stayed for the sleepover and we all cuddled under a big blanket on her bed.

Both of them were so warm and soft. I could feel their hot breaths on my chest and their feet touching mine. Best dream I've ever had.

Sad news they both lost Saimoe.
Hope Ika takes it this year, never really found any of the puella magica moe at all.
>> No. 13589 [Edit]
File 133052414246.jpg - (241.61KB , 775x1000 , ARRGH BUTTERFLIES.jpg )
.... How did this get bumped to the top of /ot/?

I sense mod fuckery going on here!

Show yourself, Stalwart!
>> No. 13591 [Edit]

When a post is deleted (either by a mod or by the user himself) the thread doesn't get 'unbumped' and remains at the top of the page. Stealth bumps at their best.
>> No. 13634 [Edit]
Not to detract from a noble thread topic, but can our resident butterfly expert tell me what these are? I see them all over my area but usually they are dead and in perfect condition.
>> No. 13637 [Edit]

It got bumped after a spam raid the other day, the mod deleted the spam and the thread remained on the front page.
>> No. 13651 [Edit]
File 133066605314.jpg - (152.06KB , 438x864 , Graphium sarpedon ssp.jpg )
My best shot...

Oh! and Saten's cute, of course (Uiharu as well).

Post edited on 1st Mar 2012, 9:36pm
>> No. 13659 [Edit]
Spam raid?

I go away for a little while to play games and we get spammed?

Wait, who would even want to spam Tohno-chan?
>> No. 13661 [Edit]

Prom rejects.
>> No. 13753 [Edit]
It wasn't just tohno-chan, pretty much all imageboards were spammed, some of them still have the spam because they aren't moderated.

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