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File 131687786020.png - (72.40KB , 1920x980 , derpa.png )
10528 No. 10528 [Edit]
Check out how egoistic is site X!

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>> No. 10567 [Edit]
File 131698169330.png - (42.26KB , 898x732 , Capture.png )
What does this do, check to see how many links aim at their own site(certain here's an actual word for that..)?
>> No. 10570 [Edit]
what is this anyway?
>> No. 10575 [Edit]
Saw this on 4-ch as well, what does it do exactly?
>> No. 10576 [Edit]
As far as I can tell, shows the fav icons of the sites the url you input, links to.
>> No. 10582 [Edit]

Link to thread, please?
>> No. 10645 [Edit]
Can't find the thread now, maybe it was deleted. But it was there, either on DQN or General. It was around 45%, I think.

Post edited on 26th Sep 2011, 3:06pm
>> No. 22432 [Edit]
the six broken links are also tohno
>> No. 22553 [Edit]
Well, we got one huge "I" for a favicon, after all.

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