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File 131654550925.png - (57.38KB , 1914x954 , Doing Ui after god knows how long.png )
5666 No. 5666 [Edit]
This use to be posted on /a/ a month or two back, but I figured I'd post it on here as well since I'm quite curious about how you guys take it.

So - we all love our waifu's... but how about drawing them in MS Paint? It doesn't need to be perfect, just the very thought of drawing your loved one and how it'll turn out is what counts and matters.

Anyway, here's what I just did a few minutes ago after taking a break. As you'll have noticed, I'm quite terrible at hair, eyes, hands, and pretty much anything. But I drew her nevertheless.
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>> No. 5667 [Edit]
lol, I'm already a killer drawing with real tools, can't imagine what will come out using a mouse and my right hand.
I can already imagine her reaction to it, though:
- Oh... Sure... It's beautiful in its own way, I'm pretty sure you put a lot of effort into this. But, that thing on my head, is it a tumour or what?
- Oh no darling, that's your hai- Ahm, uhm... I mean, yes, it's a tumour. Drawing head tumours is the new trend in, um, post-modernist neo-expressionism. So that's totally not your hair, I mean, chemo causes hair loss and...
- Okay, I get it. Just promise you'll keep me out of your list of things to draw like that, right?

Post edited on 20th Sep 2011, 12:30pm
>> No. 5669 [Edit]
File 131654959613.png - (28.46KB , 616x648 , mkskrs.png )
I am actually very happy with the result.
>> No. 5670 [Edit]
File 131655156885.png - (33.81KB , 801x481 , 5hbu0opl3pwcg8g8k4.png )
Technically not MS Paint, but something just as limited. I wish I had more time to work on this.
>> No. 5671 [Edit]
why MS Paint?
>> No. 5672 [Edit]

Why not?
>> No. 5673 [Edit]
Because it sucks?
>> No. 5674 [Edit]
It's more fun that way.
>> No. 5675 [Edit]
producing great art isnt really the point...
>> No. 5676 [Edit]
You mean your waifu wouldn't want you to produce great art of her?
I think she would appreciate it a little more if you, you know, put some effort into it.
>> No. 5677 [Edit]
File 131655564933.png - (15.22KB , 445x637 , soga no tojiko.png )
Sorry guys I cannot draw for shit.
>> No. 5678 [Edit]
It's not that bad at all. But if anyone wants help improving, there's always this thread: >>/cr/412
>> No. 5684 [Edit]
Please don't turn this into a debate please. I don't want to delete my thread.

Just because one can't draw properly, it doesn't mean they can at least put "effort" into it. It's the thought that counts.
>> No. 5686 [Edit]
File 131656820176.jpg - (68.67KB , 962x620 , waifu.jpg )
i already made a fanart of her for her birthday, but since its MS Paint ill give it a shot.
>> No. 5713 [Edit]
File 131664695215.png - (66.46KB , 960x540 , quickmspaint.png )

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