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2014 No. 2014 [Edit]
>waifu wiki
>(work in progress, feel free to contribute.)

I like it, but I also have the feeling that it'll be a terrible mistake.
>> No. 2015 [Edit]
I like to think it might better help to educate people new to this world, better educate them then other stuff out there, have you tried googing for info on waifus before? the first sites that come up comment on waifus in horrible ways, some even calling us disgusting, gross and wired, ...that might be true, but you don't insert your personal opinions into stuff that's supposed to be informing the community, it would be like a wiki page on african americans going into their history and their culture, but at random spots inserting raciest slander into the mix.

if you hit up google with the term "waifu" the very first site you'd see is http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mai-waifu
which calls it a 4chan meme, and refers to it primarily as if it was a joke.

I just think it would be nice if there was a source of information on the topic out there that wasn't written by people that hate us, because stuff like that makes more people hate us, at least with this, they can get both sides of the story.. before they decide to hate us.
>> No. 2018 [Edit]
I don't see the point in it, really.
>> No. 2019 [Edit]
I also think it will be a massive mistake. A waifu is not something that really needs explaining. If you know the definition of the word (which is easily obtainable without a wiki), then you'll know whether or not you have a waifu. There isn't much else on the topic.

Also, links to tohno-chan on articles? Surely that will cause more damage than it's worth.
>> No. 2020 [Edit]

I agree with this 100%.
>> No. 2021 [Edit]
3rded. This just seems like a bad pointless idea all around
>> No. 2022 [Edit]
I don't really post on the waifu board, but I agree with >>2019.
>> No. 2024 [Edit]
Couldn't we just have a stickied post here or something explaining waifus (if that is even needed)? I don't see how the wiki format will help anything
>> No. 2025 [Edit]
I don't think theres enough to say about waifus to warrant a wiki. maybe a manifesto or essay or a sticky or something like that, but a wiki is an overkill

>> No. 2026 [Edit]
Hi, I was the guy who put forward the suggestion of a waifu wiki in the first place.

My intentions for this project was to both illuminate the general public about waifus (it is not a joke) and also show to those who already believe in this concept just how majestic and deep it can go. The waifu concept raises very interesting philosophical and psychological questions which I myself am intensely obsessed about and I want to see just how far down the rabbit hole we can go.

The board is for our messy discussions and fighting, the wiki to codify the general consensus and alternative theories in a manner which is not transient. As a medium, wikis have certain logistical advantages over imageboards. It is more accesible to the public, capable of efficiently organising huge articles and can be easily edited by anyone to make updates, additions and corrections. Contrast this with the medium of imageboards, where information is categorised on a thread by thread basis with no search function and people can't edit their posts so they have to add new replies.

I imagine your main gripe is that links to the board will attract bad users and threaten the 'sanctity' of this board. This unfortunately is a spectre which haunts almost every discussion we have about the actual site, probably because so many of us have been hurt by the negative aspects of chan culture and we want to avoid a repeat of that at all costs. In that case, the problem isn't with the wiki itself but the implications it has on our userbase. I think I hold a little responsibility over the project so I am open to discussions about alternative arrangements, and after considering all our options, either scrap the wiki and run with something else or fix it up somehow.

An immeadiate alternative to the wiki is, as you suggest, a sticky to explain things. It could potentially be a pretty big sticky if it wants to explain most major aspects of the waifu concept, and should be updated on occasion to encompass recent discoveries. We could instead have a small sticky which basically explains the concept very quickly so a normal person could get the gist of it, and then give links to threads which look into the deeper ideas behind the waifu concept. The sticky could have a suggestion that users use sage when replying to teh linked threads so they don't get bumped to the top of the page.
>> No. 2027 [Edit]
In contrast I reckon there is so much we need to say and so much we haven't 'discovered' yet that a wiki is needed to organise it all! But I respect your opinion.
>> No. 2028 [Edit]
I feel tempted to place all relevant info on my waifu there, both insinuated on her creation and my own interpretation.
>> No. 2029 [Edit]
well correct me if I'm wrong but a wiki is something you use for indexing a large amount of factual information. I can't see this having more than 10 or 20 pages. If it's just a series of essays I really think that would be better suited of to normal posts, or a webpage if you want something more permanent.
>> No. 2030 [Edit]
I agree completely
>> No. 2034 [Edit]
The more seriously you take this, the more ridiculous it seems; especially to normals.
>> No. 2036 [Edit]
By the way the link to the waifu wiki links to the recent activity page, not the main page.
>> No. 2037 [Edit]
Well the overwhelming majority dislikes the wiki even though I think its a great idea, so I guess we should nuke the wiki.
>> No. 2038 [Edit]
I don't see why you would want to attract the public to 2D love. It's not something that would be taken seriously by folk that don't regular sites like TC.

As I stated here >>2019, a waifu is not really something that needs explaining. I think that if you get to the stage where you're interested enough in 2D that you know what a waifu is and don't joke about them, then they are something that you would adopt on your own without the need of a guide. The interest in waifu majesty and depth - as well as how seriously the concept is taken - can vary massively from person to person, and I think that isn't something that a wiki would need to raise awareness about. As for the philosophical and psychological questions, it sounds like you should write and essay; not create a wiki.
>> No. 2039 [Edit]
I'm in between when it comes to the idea of a waifu wiki. On one hand, I was initially really excited for it. It seems like what we'd need to 'get to the bottom' of this phenomenon that has affected our lives in such an odd, profound way. Getting thoughts out there is better than simply keeping them bottled, you know? It would be a nice way to get our thoughts out there, besides posting about how much we love our waifus.

On the other hand, I feel like it's a subject that doesn't truly need a wiki - I mean, it's a vague philosophy/lifestyle (I'm torn about calling it a philosophy). I don't even believe it should have a normal Wikipedia page (and thank god it doesn't). Then again, the reason for making a wiki would be to elaborate, and make the idea less vague.

Anyway, to sum it up, I feel if the content is classy and relevant, it should be a fun and interesting project. However, I feel like the only things we'll ever really have is the stuff that Necrosage offered, and the outside stuff salvaged from blogs.

>Also, links to tohno-chan on articles? Surely that will cause more damage than it's worth.
There are loads of obscure and weird wikis out there. I'm sure ours won't really be noticed.
>> No. 2040 [Edit]
I'm neutral to the idea. If it ends up becoming horrible, it should be scrapped. Nevertheless, I started to add my articles to there just to see how it would work. Since it's a nascent and obscure wiki, I doubt /tc/ would see an invasion by normals. After all, we do have a link to /mai/ on ED.
>> No. 2042 [Edit]
I'm slightly curious how /a/ would actually react to it, but i'm not gonna link it there.
>> No. 2044 [Edit]
to the general public, telling someone you have a waifu and explaining the concept will make them think you're literally crazy. I don't think anything's going to change that. Normal people can't understand this idea, and it's even better if they don't.
>> No. 2046 [Edit]
>invasion by normals
this is the silliest thing to be afraid of. Nobody really cares enough about this board or anything related to it to 'invade'. The most anyone does it make one or two stupid posts.

I'm not really sure what the point of informing the public about waifus is. It seems like a personal thing to me. Why does it matter what other people think?
>> No. 2047 [Edit]

This post I feel captures the crux of the matter perfectly.
>> No. 2048 [Edit]
I think the wiki will be a waste of time. For me; the term and concept of waifu is literally up to oneself. Naturally or coincidentally though; we all have similar concepts of the term waifu. Having a wiki would be like having someone join your way of having a waifu; which is like forcing them to follow your way. Of course, that is obviously and hopefully not the real purpose of the wiki, but a wandering normal may categorize a whole group of us (who all have different concepts of waifu) into one explanation.

I don't know if I'm getting my point across correctly, but long story short: I think we should just have a sticky or maybe not even. If someone really wanted to know, they would just read the threads. This board does not move like any other image board. They can gather information and make an assumption of what waifus are like based on our posts. It's really that simple.
>> No. 2053 [Edit]
Well, since Tohno created the waifu wiki, why not have his views on it and address our concerns? He must have made a waifu wiki and a link to it on here for good reason.

People still think waifus are a joke. Thus they have the impression that waifus are either 'waifu of the season' or 'girl I like = mai waifu =/= my love = 3dpd', for example.

Ultimately, you have the choice to use the waifu wiki or not. If not, then it's of no consequence to you. For some, maybe a /mai/ wiki is what they need. If it's decided by majority rule to remove the wiki, some will come and still remake the wiki. /tc/ doesn't have to be the only place for people to have waifus. It's not like /tc/ has a monopoly on having people with waifus.

Hmmm... /mai/ wiki sounds nice, but I don't know. We still have a link to ED. Is it up to us to complain to remove the link to /mai/ on ED or delete the waifu page on ED even though we'd end up acting like kids over some link to /mai/ on a /b/ wiki?


Now what do we do with it? Do we act like spoiled little children and complain over a wiki? I don't see you guys complaining about that page on waifus on ED, to the point that you want to see it removed or just blanking out the page. I still think using a wiki is up to one's personal choice in the matter.
>> No. 2054 [Edit]
Tohno made the waifu wiki because I asked him to on /fb/.

People did complain about the Waifu page on ED, back when it first got added to the page. We were whining about how it would attract bad users. It actually did because at one point some guy came here saying he found out about this place from the link.

Ultimately crying over that thing and such would be the worst possible thing to do. The best thing we can do is ignore it forever. Considering the nature of ED users, drawing attention to it would make it worse. They would absolutely leap at the chance to troll people like us. I can bet that if people from this site kept removing the link to tc on that page, they would not only just put the link back, but also send a raiding party. Possibly several. It would be an inescapable nightmare.
>> No. 2058 [Edit]
The ED page is one of the most tame I've seen. I literally had to check if I wasn't just on Wikipedia toward the beginning.
>> No. 2059 [Edit]
If you asked him to on /fb/ and he created it, then it seems fine by me. So it shows that he might thought that it wasn't a bad idea.

>It actually did because at one point some guy came here saying he found out about this place from the link.
Even if they did, very few of them are out to cause harm. Some people might be curious about waifus, decided to search it on ED, and they're surprised that a waifu board exists.
>> No. 2060 [Edit]
That is true. Some of the other pages are just so incredibly bitter, spiteful, harassing, I could list lots of other negative adjectives but I won't. I wouldn't be able to write the same drivel thats on some of those pages without puking. I seriously hope that everyone who writes those pages don't take it seriously.
>> No. 2061 [Edit]
How do you know he didn't just make it because hes a yes man and wants to please his users?
>> No. 2063 [Edit]
>How do you know he didn't just make it because hes a yes man and wants to please his users?


Well, if enough of you guys were to complain about it on /fb/, if he was a yes man and wanted to please his users, then he wouldn't have made the wiki in the first place.
>> No. 2064 [Edit]
>but also send a raiding party. Possibly several. It would be an inescapable nightmare.
dont be fucking retarded. this isnt 4chan. if anyone posts any shit it can be deleted and their ips or any proxies they're using banned.
>> No. 2065 [Edit]
He is, he's a total worthless doormat that always does as he's told, but I bet he'll take it down after seeing the amount of negative feedback it's received.
>> No. 2066 [Edit]
Don't take it down.
If they don't like it, then they don't have to use it.
>> No. 2067 [Edit]
Well.. You'd want to avoid getting into that kind of situation in the first place, right?
>> No. 2068 [Edit]
it doesn't really matter. you should be proud of who you are instead of living in fear of attack from normalfags... on the internet of all places
>> No. 2069 [Edit]
By the way, how come there's a link on ED but not on the Overchan?
>> No. 2070 [Edit]
I guess nobody ever submitted the link there? For whatever reason (maybe to 'preserve our sanctity'?)

Or maybe we're still hidden under the 'ib4f section' or something.
>> No. 2071 [Edit]
Its not really fear. Its just, if I can do one simple thing to avoid opening that whole can of worms, its worth it, isn't it? What do I lose when I keep my mouth shut to preserve the status quo? My dignity?
>> No. 2072 [Edit]
I imagine that to be the case, even though ib4f has been dead for sometime now, a number of info sites out there are still outdated, and say we're still hosted on ib4f.
>> No. 2074 [Edit]
>Hmmm... /mai/ wiki sounds nice, but I don't know. We still have a link to ED. Is it up to us to complain to remove the link to /mai/ on ED or delete the waifu page on ED even though we'd end up acting like kids over some link to /mai/ on a /b/ wiki?

Don't even touch it
>> No. 2075 [Edit]
This. If someone complains or makes an edit that attracts the attention of one of those dumbasses, there's a good chance a full Tohno-chan page would go up the next day.
>> No. 2076 [Edit]
I was being sarcastic about it. The point was that it's not up to everyone here what one does with the waifu wiki. The moment we start to act like /b/tards to vandalize the /mai/ wiki, then what good does it do? If you vandalize it or delete it, that certainly isn't going to help you. That's why I drew an analogy to the ED page on waifus. The moment we touch the waifu page on ED, then we're going to be labeled as 'butthurt weeaboos' and /mai/ would be constantly trolled to death. In the long run, removing the /mai/ wiki doesn't seem to help because it'll be inevitable, even if tohno didn't create the wiki.

At least removing the link to the waifu wiki has calmed you guys down. This is the internet, for crying out loud. Who do you think in real life would discover that you happen to have a waifu?
>> No. 2086 [Edit]
so... do I delete the wiki.. or do we keep it up, but avoid leaving anything on it that links to us says anything about us or might remind people about things that look anything remotely like us on a dark foggy night off in the distance through a out of zoom camera with a broken lens with the cap on?
>> No. 2087 [Edit]
delete it
>> No. 2089 [Edit]
Delete it it's shit we don't need the waifu movement becoming popular or anything
>> No. 2091 [Edit]
Leave it for now. At least give it time to get developed a bit to see how it goes.
>> No. 2092 [Edit]
Leave it. It's still in its infancy. Even if it is deleted, >>2015 would still recreate it.
>> No. 2093 [Edit]
Don't delete it, just remove any links to it and essentially leave it comatose. Somehow me might want to have it back in the future. It does have a neat url.
>> No. 2094 [Edit]
I wouldn't recreate it if it meant I was the only guy making additions to it.
>> No. 2095 [Edit]
isn't that already the case?
>> No. 2098 [Edit]
Don't delete it, just get rid of the link.

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