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File 128947325574.png - (195.62KB , 428x640 , mizore (4).png )
138 No. 138 [Edit]
I made a similar thread on the old waifu board a while back and thought maybe now that we have more users I should try it again.

Write a haiku for your waifu. Or, you could just write any kind of poem, or even just dedicate a few words to your waifu.

I'm in no way poetic or even very good at writing in general so don't expect too much.

Your calming presence
Violet hair, as pure as snow
I don't deserve you
Expand all images
>> No. 139 [Edit]
File 128950276520.jpg - (85.31KB , 698x984 , 3c3134d4e63a4bec6a3468b3de35f0ac.jpg )
Autumn wind blowing
Red and yellow leaves dancing...
You and I strolling
>> No. 140 [Edit]
Charming fragrance
I feel blessed to have met you
You're simply divine
>> No. 141 [Edit]
File 128953866724.jpg - (254.48KB , 1280x697 , 1289480129823.jpg )
Thunder and lightning
Your elegance is unmatched
I am one with you
>> No. 143 [Edit]
File 128954018613.jpg - (379.51KB , 600x800 , 13909237.jpg )
Centuries go by,
Insanity rots our hearts,
Yet love never fades.
>> No. 145 [Edit]
File 128954512332.jpg - (239.63KB , 563x800 , mizore1.jpg )

Instead of Violet I should have written Purple, my mistake.
>> No. 168 [Edit]
File 12897907356.jpg - (177.27KB , 600x611 , 1257004847765.jpg )
Osaka is love.
My sweet waifu forever.
>> No. 852 [Edit]
File 129394410654.jpg - (83.77KB , 600x428 , 1223925634422.jpg )
Your steadfast courage
Loving clumsy guardian
My gentle angel
>> No. 934 [Edit]
File 129427387071.jpg - (78.05KB , 880x800 , 7207d94f3be0e6852a5cb8dbb752093d.jpg )
Silver-haired beauty.
Elegant in every way.
The perfect meido.

Surrounded by freaks.
Youkai, Witches and Mikos.
The only pure girl.

Scarlet Devil's Maid.
Knife-throwing mistress of time.
Oi, hands off, China.
>> No. 936 [Edit]
I don't like haiku
They're too restrictive and dumb
I'm sorry, Tenshi
>> No. 943 [Edit]
File 129435492043.jpg - (68.57KB , 702x998 , minagi 97.jpg )
Sweet kind and peaceful
Eyes that sparkle like the stars
Always adoring

radiant beauty
How I do wish to hold you
So soft warm and nice

So very far away
Near my heart but out of reach
Fated to be apart
>> No. 945 [Edit]
It does not have to be a haiku.
>> No. 946 [Edit]
But wasn't what he wrote a haiku?
>> No. 948 [Edit]
But I also said you could write something other than a haiku.
>> No. 949 [Edit]
I know, I was just being lol so clevur
>> No. 953 [Edit]
File 129437057485.jpg - (272.17KB , 830x1016 , 00.jpg )

A sight of blue fire, with weasel's red locks,
like pure air, refuels me: a burn on my lungs.
In summer's stupor, I found myself clung
to memories blurring (a tic from the clock)...

A loud voice kept mocking
my ways of grown old:
the drinking, the smoking
—the child sure was bold.

Her lecturing flooding
while standing alone,
I just listened muting
for she won't be gone...

If days are all empty, they better be done.
Let's meet only sunsets, my blue eyed red sun.
>> No. 991 [Edit]
File 129461268241.jpg - (72.72KB , 425x712 , 1294586826359.jpg )
Your eyes make me lose
my ability to count
correctly for syllables.
>> No. 1003 [Edit]
File 129462919320.jpg - (137.64KB , 700x700 , 1290279730972.jpg )
This is an early draft. This'll be a 5-7-5*7-7, typical of a tanka, but you could ignore the two 7-units after the typical 5-7-5 to make it somewhat like a haiku. Do be offended by my choice of words. Anything in bold is obviously to be taken seriously, as it's not in opposites.

I hate you the most
You are the impurest hate
Such imperfection

Your blemishes dishearten
My unmatched hatred for you

I'm fine with my choice of 5-7-5 for the most part, though it seems a little off, but my 7-7 seems a little iffy.
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
File 129462969143.jpg - (27.80KB , 276x413 , rare can.jpg )
Congratulations, you've won this week's haiku award!
>> No. 1010 [Edit]
File 129468242511.jpg - (315.96KB , 800x600 , 6018435.jpg )
when your blue eyes blaze
in the sands, when we link hands
no pain, no fear; love
>> No. 1011 [Edit]
I see her on stage
She's my favorite idol
She who is my wife
>> No. 1087 [Edit]
File 129541540375.jpg - (305.25KB , 665x790 , Whyyy.jpg )
It's so pathetic
I am enamored with her
I should get out more.
>> No. 1088 [Edit]
>> No. 1174 [Edit]
File 129648156293.jpg - (524.24KB , 600x800 , 3b2132f4f75b59be4b85e35c6ddb5134.jpg )
As I lie rotting,
Returning back to the earth,
Won't you hold my hand?
>> No. 3534 [Edit]
File 130930017866.jpg - (28.65KB , 512x384 , Kanako 172.jpg )
Gentle eyes looking for me.
A sweet smile says "you´re at home."
I will never leave again.
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
File 130930768770.png - (51.32KB , 211x258 , 1281724168917.png )
Her name's Ayumu
Also known as Osaka
She gives off such light
>> No. 3539 [Edit]
File 130937953451.jpg - (631.50KB , 1000x780 , 1243870760826.jpg )
Dimensions apart,
But eternally loving,
Our hearts are as one.
>> No. 3675 [Edit]
File 131049354537.jpg - (0.96MB , 834x1334 , e6a29455f3b509c4ecf6ed1a198a224a.jpg )
A sublime flower,
Too weak to bloom beautiful,
Crushed in deep dark blue.

Post edited on 12th Jul 2011, 11:04am
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
File 131080265924.jpg - (258.45KB , 651x842 , Konata_kisu2.jpg )
We're so much alike
and yet so different, still
I love her so much
>> No. 3805 [Edit]
File 131106010790.jpg - (399.77KB , 1280x1024 , makoto1018.jpg )
Your boyish fire
Is only a part of you
Your wholeness, I love.
>> No. 3811 [Edit]
File 131106818774.jpg - (94.60KB , 500x800 , 3f0788c9f997a5c4ec0c889be43367f0.jpg )
Glasses girl, oh you.
Will you read with me, darling?
Yes, my love...

Edited because i can't count

Post edited on 19th Jul 2011, 8:19am
>> No. 3861 [Edit]
File 131130659439.jpg - (379.24KB , 1200x800 , Konachan_com - 81968 patchouli_knowledge touhou.jpg )
Patchouli Knowledge
My love for you will always
Be only for you.
>> No. 6829 [Edit]
File 132036109885.jpg - (199.51KB , 800x800 , 96be7da6307ce36e4e81a8284b00b175.jpg )
You, my knowing saint
Truly crystallized beauty
But non-existent
>> No. 6836 [Edit]
File 13203924186.png - (322.53KB , 846x932 , 5962a4fefe91fd574b6d186b2c7aed55.png )
Do not worry, girl.
I know you are a jackass.
But I love you, right?
>> No. 6837 [Edit]
File 132041385252.jpg - (27.45KB , 704x396 , Haibane_Renmei_13_DVD[D5CB71E1]_avi_snapshot.jpg )
Red moon lights the night
My sinner on black train tracks
Transcending her past
>> No. 6860 [Edit]
That sounds like something somebody would say to me. Except for the "girl" part, of course.
>> No. 6861 [Edit]
File 13205406451.jpg - (113.54KB , 600x737 , Reki_by_kokomiko.jpg )
Those last two lines are pretty incredible. Do you have other stuff that you've written?

I've never written haiku before (excepting the other one I posted here), and it's actually pretty fun. They're short enough that you can roll one around in your head all day and let it take shape without writing it down.

Snow falls, on feathers
that you left within the walls
I'll follow you soon
>> No. 6864 [Edit]
Thank you very much... the answer is no: the few other poetry stuff I keep, from years ago, is incomplete and not in english. Just, if you want, here's the "better" version (San Valentine's) of the same one: http://tohno-chan.com/mai/arch/res/1351.html (BTW: I still don't know how to chan-link to /arc/ (if it's even possible). If someone could make this clear for me, I'd really appreciate it).

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