Rabu rabu~

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File 129769034681.jpg - (324.81KB , 861x1150 , Red Sun.jpg )
1351 No. 1351 [Edit]
As promised: my poor english shitty poetry rendition...
Not that you care (or I did myself, before) but:

Happy Valentines Day, Asuka.
I'm glad that I ever met you.
>> No. 1358 [Edit]
You made that yourself? That's quite impressive!
>> No. 1362 [Edit]
Thanks a lot.

BTW: when I said: Not that you care, I was talking to Asuka (derp)...
Happy Valentine's, everyone.
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
Very beautiful words, and picture. I like it a lot.
>> No. 1382 [Edit]
The more I read it, the more I like it. The second stanza has some fantastic dry humour, and the final one is flawlessly poignant.

English was my strongest subject all throughout school, yet that only ever applied to prose. I can only applaud this for it is excellent.

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